84782 packages online
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Found 464 matching packages
DMS2HDItaCat.lha |
1.2 |
util/arc |
1357 |
9K |
2020-04-12 |
Italian catalog for DMS2HD v1.6 - (readme) |
DMS2HD1_6.lha |
util/arc |
3836 |
51K |
2000-04-09 |
Unpacks DMS archives to HD v1.6 - (readme) |
dms111.run |
util/arc |
13551 |
40K |
1992-08-15 |
V1.11 of the popoular Disk Archiver - (readme) |
DMS-Face.lha |
util/arc |
2062 |
108K |
1995-04-12 |
Excellent MagicWB GUI front-end for DMS - (readme) |
DmimeR.lha |
.09c |
util/arc |
686 |
11K |
1997-02-22 |
Auto-decodes mime files as downloaded - (readme) |
dmg2img_1.6.5.lha |
1.6.5 |
util/arc |
1006 |
546K |
2016-08-03 |
Apple compressed dmg 2 hfsplus disk file - (readme) |
DLDiz17.lha |
util/arc |
728 |
10K |
1995-08-21 |
Extracts and shows file_id.diz. - (readme) |
DLDC41AE.lha |
util/arc |
743 |
86K |
1995-08-21 |
Strips BBS-Adds from lha-archives. v4.1a. - (readme) |
DiskSqueeze.lha |
util/arc |
2315 |
99K |
1997-04-09 |
LZX for diskdevices, v1.23 - (readme) |
DImpWin.lha |
util/arc |
923 |
34K |
1993-06-29 |
GUI for Disk Imploder. OS 2.0. V1.0 - (readme) |
dimp-win.lzh |
util/arc |
911 |
35K |
1993-05-26 |
Packs disks like DMS (plus creates rself-extracting file) - (readme) |
DFace111.lha |
1.11 (12.07.96) |
util/arc |
1788 |
69K |
1996-07-15 |
GUI to depack LHA,LZH,ZIP,DMS,RAR,ARJ,RUN - (readme) |
deutex-os4.lha |
4.4.0 |
util/arc |
799 |
456K |
2008-02-15 |
A wad composer for Doom and others - (readme) |
deutex-mos.lha |
util/arc |
792 |
568K |
2002-10-27 |
DeuTex is a wad composer for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife. (MorphOS Port) - (readme) |
DeTar.lha |
util/arc |
911 |
48K |
2001-03-21 |
DeTar for Amiga (68000/030) V1.3, incl. source - (readme) |
DEPACKv1.lha |
util/arc |
852 |
25K |
1998-05-09 |
Appicon decrunch LHA/LZX/...etc - (readme) |
depack1.1.lha |
util/arc |
944 |
25K |
1998-05-16 |
Appicon decrunch LHA/LZX/...(FRENCH) - (readme) |
DeMimeWOS.lha |
util/arc |
693 |
16K |
1998-03-27 |
DeMime (including source) for PPC, WarpOS - (readme) |
DeMimePPC.lha |
util/arc |
727 |
20K |
1998-08-29 |
DeMime (including source) for PPC - (readme) |
deark.lha |
1.6.5 fixed |
util/arc |
4036 |
4.0M |
2023-09-24 |
Extracting data from various file formats - (readme) |
DeArchive17a.lha |
util/arc |
1170 |
15K |
1995-08-22 |
LHA/ZIP/LZX Batch De-Archiver BUG FIX - (readme) |
deaf106.lha |
1.06 |
util/arc |
749 |
10K |
1996-07-26 |
*THE* [AmiNet] archive processor. v1.06 - (readme) |
deaf104.lha |
1.04 |
util/arc |
796 |
8K |
1996-07-13 |
*THE* filenoter for (AmiNet) archives. v1.04 - (readme) |
DE-TAG_V070c.lha |
util/arc |
633 |
108K |
1995-07-12 |
KILL BBS Tags in LHA\'s. V0.70c. 2,278+ Tags Known! - (readme) |
De-Crunch-12.lha |
1.2 |
util/arc |
1050 |
14K |
1996-05-26 |
Extract .lha and .lzx arcs and to compress in .lzx mode using drag&drop - (readme) |
De-Archiveur13.lha |
1.3 |
util/arc |
1089 |
94K |
1998-06-04 |
GUI for LHA.LZH.LZX.ZIP.DMS.UNARJ.UNRAR (V1.3) - (readme) |
De-Archiveur.lha |
1.4 |
util/arc |
2151 |
97K |
1999-10-19 |
GUI for LHA.LZH.LZX.ZIP.DMS.UNARJ.UNRAR (V1.4) - (readme) |
DaUUDir111.lha |
1.11 |
util/arc |
689 |
156K |
1997-01-06 |
Application for UUEn/Decoding. - (readme) |
dact_os4.lha |
0.8.41 |
util/arc |
899 |
365K |
2008-11-21 |
A file compression tool similar to gzip - (readme) |
d64tozipcode_aos4.lha |
1.0 |
util/arc |
839 |
35K |
2006-01-25 |
Converts D64 image files to Zipcode format - (readme) |
CutLhA10.lha |
util/arc |
677 |
5K |
1996-05-02 |
Cut fileparts in LhA-archives - (readme) |
Csh_LhA2LZX.lha |
util/arc |
840 |
1K |
1995-03-08 |
A csh script for RECURSIVELY convert LhA archive to LZX v0.95 - (readme) |
CruncherI_v18.lha |
util/arc |
1000 |
116K |
1997-06-16 |
Easy to use CRUNCHER GUI`s (DMS,LHA...) - (readme) |
CruncherInterf.lha |
util/arc |
1176 |
116K |
1996-12-21 |
Easy to use CRUNCHER GUI`s (DMS, LHA, LZX, PP, XPK) - (readme) |
Crc.lha |
1.0 |
util/arc |
771 |
19K |
1988-03-13 |
Generate 16-bit CRC listings of files. V1.0 - (readme) |
CranuSP.lha |
1.1.0 |
util/arc |
1430 |
9K |
2012-02-19 |
Cranu spanish catalog & guide - (readme) |
cranu.lha |
0.4 |
util/arc |
1110 |
49K |
2006-11-29 |
GUI for archivers - (readme) |
cpio-2.0.lha |
util/arc |
1189 |
192K |
1992-09-21 |
Amiga-port of GNU cpio-2.0 - (readme) |
codegrWOS.lha |
util/arc |
794 |
26K |
1998-04-29 |
Codegroup for PPC (WarpOS), including source - (readme) |
codegroup.lha |
util/arc |
746 |
39K |
1998-08-29 |
Codegroup (68k+PPC), including source - (readme) |
CMUDearchiver.lha |
util/arc |
793 |
89K |
1996-06-16 |
Automated de-archiving tool - (readme) |
CheckX.lha |
1.94 |
util/arc |
1183 |
40K |
2003-03-23 |
V1.94 Check for Archive/Packer/Virus - (readme) |
Checker12.lha |
util/arc |
742 |
10K |
1995-01-16 |
Arexxscript for deleteing annoying files in archives v1.2 (german) - (readme) |
cdlha.lha |
1.05 |
util/arc |
889 |
11K |
1993-07-15 |
LHA frontend for shell users - (readme) |
ccb.lha |
util/arc |
1502 |
236K |
1997-08-24 |
GUI for archivers LhA,LZX,DMS,DSQ v2.3 - (readme) |
cablinux.lha |
util/arc |
824 |
30K |
2001-06-19 |
Create .CAB (Cabinet) archives - (readme) |
cabextract_OS4.lha |
1.11 |
util/arc |
3039 |
44K |
2023-02-25 |
Extract MS Cabinet (.CAB) archives - (readme) |
cabextract_MOS.lha |
1.11 |
util/arc |
1903 |
51K |
2023-02-26 |
Extract MS Cabinet (.CAB) archives - (readme) |
cabextract.lha |
1.11 |
util/arc |
4048 |
54K |
2023-02-25 |
Extract MS Cabinet (.CAB) archives - (readme) |
bzip2_wos.lha |
util/arc |
1153 |
373K |
2000-06-18 |
BZIP2 compressor 1.0.0 (PPC WarpOS) - (readme) |
Found 464 matching packages
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