Short: Excellent Clouds module for GBlanker Author: (Adam Dawes) Uploader: Adam beachyhd demon co uk (Adam Dawes) Type: util/blank Architecture: m68k-amigaos This screenblanker module shows a very nice series of clouds that slowly drift across your screen. Imagine laying on your back on a hill, staring in to the empty sky, as clouds dreamily meander by, ignorant of the hustle and bustle of the world beneath. In order to use this screenblanker, you will need Michael D. Bayne's GarshneBlanker installed. I have only tested Fountain with v38.8, but it may well work with earlier versions. To install, copy the 3 blanker files ("Clouds", "Clouds.ifc" and "Clouds.txt") to the location where you keep all your other GBlanker modules. After doing this, bring up GBlanker's window and click on Quit. Now restart GBlanker, and Clouds will be added to the list of available blankers. I am currently working on a number of other screensavers for GarshneBlanker. Watch Aminet for more!