Short:        Monitor OpenDevice() with SerFlags, v1.32
Author:       Matthias Andree <>
Uploader:     Matthias Andree <mandree sx1 hrz uni-dortmund de>
Type:         util/moni
Replaces:     util/moni/WatchOpenDevice.*
Requires:     OS 2.04+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

First OpenSource release. C and assembly language, SAS/C 6.5x required.

It does, however, currently only compile with SAS/C 6.5x since  I'm  far
too  lazy  to  get it working with GnuC or egcs. Besides, it does hardly
consume any CPU cycles except for some logging, so I consider efforts to
make it PowerPC unnecessary.

I did some commenting in the source code to aid  newbie  programmers  to
see  how semaphores and interprocess communication work and commented on
some traps, and I made it compile with SAS's ASM to avoid the  need  for
PhxAss.  I  changed  the  makefile  to always have a full (bin + source)

Further News:
    * removed startup and stuff, executable is only 2 kB
    * many bug fixes regarding stability and process synchronization