Short:        Blizzard 1230/IV module with 8meg fast and no fpu
Uploader:     cpbj101 unix york ac uk
Type:         util/moni
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Well here we are again with another AIBB module for my trusty Blizzard
1230?IV.   This time I have given it a real treat, and put in a 70ns 8meg
simm.   The jumpers are set to make it think that it is a 60ns simm and the
rom has been transferred to the fast ram that is why the total ram is said
to be 9.5 meg instead of 10meg.   If you compare this to the other modules
for the 1230/IV you will notice quite a speed increse especially in the
memtest.   Amazingly some of the tests are the same as the 1260!

My homepage is at
Come and have a look, and let me know what you think.

See you all soon.