Short:        Polish catalogs for Class Action - v1.0
Author:       Adam Zalepa (Expert/Inferno & Maniacs)
Uploader:     Adam Zalepa (Expert/Inferno & Maniacs)
Type:         util/wb
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  If you want cool music for your product or polish catalogs for some applications
  then send me postcard to :
   	Adam Zalepa (Expert/Inferno & Maniacs)
   	ul. Marysinska 82/84 m5
   	91-850 Lodz Poland

  or call to my BBS :

  	 THE MANIAC's BBS! +48-42-573178 (8pm-8am)

	Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
	-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
	    2414    1322 45.2% 21-Dec-96 18:22:10 +ClassAction.catalog
	    1275     755 40.7% 21-Dec-96 18:50:42 +ClassActionPL.doc
	    2620    1281 51.1% 21-Dec-96 18:22:10 +ClassActionPrefs.catalog
	-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 	   6309    3358 46.7% 22-Dec-96 13:39:52   3 files