Short:        Workbench Soundeditor, supports up to 31 functions
Author: (Markus Albrecht)
Uploader:     Michael Kilimann
Type:         util/wb
Version:      1.11 (12.7.96)
Requires:     OS3.0+, 68020+, MUI 2.x
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This program will enable you  to  enhance  your  Workbench's
sounds.  There  will be no longer silence as you can edit up
to 31 functions with a sound of your choice. You will need a
datatype  for  each  soundtype  you  use as well as at least
OS3.0 because the datatypes are only  supported  from  there
on.  FX  also  needs at least a 68020 CPU for best Workbench
performance. MUI is also required.

Important Bugfix: locale.library V39 was requested, changed
                  to V38 which is included in OS3.0.