Short:        Animated 'pointing hand' mousepointer
Author: (Geert Coelmont)
Uploader:     gc denkart be (Geert Coelmont)
Type:         util/wb
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

PointerClick - an animated MousePointer

This is a little hack that was inspired by the mousepointer, found
in the 'TomIcons' archive on AmiNet a while ago. The original pointer
was made by Tom Heeren ( It's a very neat 'hand'
rather than an arrow, and it's in hires (for AGA users). It is included
in this pack.

This tiny program now will make the pointing finger 'push' on your
buttons, gadgets, windows etc whenever you click the left mousebutton.
Mind you, it's a hack, and not guaranteed to work on all Amigas or under
any circomstance ! But it's fun...

How to use it:
1) Copy the supplied Pointer.Prefs to "ENVARC:sys/". This will replace
   your current mousepointer (make a copy if you don't want to loose it).
2) Copy PointerClick to "C:"
3) Add this line to your S:User-Startup:
	 run >nil: <nil: C:PointerClick
4) Reboot your machine
5) Push left mousebutton !!

Note: Nothing happens if the original 'hand' pointer is not active.
      Don't start PointerClick more than once.
      PointerClick cannot be deactivated, except by resetting.

Author: Geert Coelmont (