Short: XMasBench - The ultimate ChristmasBench! Author: (Adam Waldenberg), Martin Ejdestig Uploader: aminet aminet net Type: util/wb Version: 0.3 Replaces: util/wb/XMasBench_0.1.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-morphos Copyright & Distribution ************************ XMasBench v0.3 Copyright © 1999-2003 Martin "mejde" Ejdestig & Adam "ChaoZer" Waldenberg XMasBench is distributed as FREEWARE. This software can be freely distributed as long as no more than the nominal fee is charged to cover the time and copying costs and as long as the archive remains intact and unchanged. No commercial usage is permitted without a written permission from us.(the authors) The makers of the AMINET CDs, have our permission to distribute this software on their AMINET CDs. We are not responssible for any loss of data or any damage of your software/hardware. Use it at your own risk! Introduction ************ Merry christmas everybody! Have you ever thought that your workbench is SO boring?:) Have you always wanted to add that extra piece of christmas spirit to your wb? Then this is something for you! Requirements ************ AmigaOS 3.1 / MorphOS MC68020+ or compatible CybergrapX3+ Fastmem! 15bit+ screenmode. Changes from last version (0.2) ******************************* * Now also FullWB compatible. That means the backdrop is found even if the screen titlebar is disabled. Usage ***** --------------------------- TASKPRI=<number> (-128-127) --------------------------- This sets the taskpri of XMasBench... We recommend that you set this below 0, so that it doesnt take time from other tasks. --------- DWAITBOVP --------- This argument disables WaitBOVP(). WaitBOVP() is the function that waits for the videobeam, so that everything is updated every frame. Setting this argument forces the snow, lights and tree to be updated more often, if possible. (Slows everything else down) -------------------------- INITDELAY=<number> (0-120) -------------------------- With this argument you can set a delay. If you for example set the delay to INITDELAY=5, XMasBench will wait 5 seconds before starting to execute itself. This can be useful is XMasBench is started in the Startup-sequence/User-startup. ------------------- LAYER1=<0xAARRGGBB> LAYER2=<0xAARRGGBB> LAYER3=<0xAARRGGBB> LAYER4=<0xAARRGGBB> LAYER5=<0xAARRGGBB> ------------------- AA = Alpha channel (00-FF) RR = Red value (00-FF) GG = Green Value (00-FF) BB = Blue Value (00-FF) So writing for example: LAYER1=0x00FF0000, gives us red snowflakes in layer1, with alphachannel turned off! ----------------------------------- SNOWFLAKES=<number> (0-ScreenWidth) ----------------------------------- Sets the maximum number of nowflakes on screen. (Maximum number of snwflakes is the same as the width of your screen). SNOWFLAKES=100 gives us a max of 100 snowflakes on screen ;). To disable the snow totally, set max snowflakes to SNOWFLAKES=0. --------------------------- SNOWCHANCE=<number> (0-100) --------------------------- The chance of new snow appearing on screen, this is usefull if you want snowflakes to appear slowly.. instead of having 200 snowflakes that suddenly pop up. Setting the chance to SNOWCHANCE=100 gives us a 100% chance of new snow appearing, this means that new snow will appear every frame untill SNOWFLAKES is reached. You can disable snow with this argument also, just by setting the chance to SNOWCHANCE=0. ------------------------ SNOWSPEED=<number> (1-3) ------------------------ This sets the speed of our snowflakes. Nothing more to say, really. -------------------------- FLASHSPEED=<number> (1-10) -------------------------- This sets the flashspeed of the christmaslights, the higher it is the slower it gets ;). ---------------------------- LIGHTA_ADD=<number) (-30-30) ---------------------------- Add alphachannelvalue to the christmaslights. The higher the value is, the more the lights glow. -------------------------- LIGHTSPACE=<number> (0-64) -------------------------- Alter the space between the lights, the default value is 0. --------- RNDLIGHTC --------- If this argument is set, the lightcolours of the lights are randomized.. instead of having a fixed value. ------------------------------------ CWINDOWL (Close left light window) CWINDOWR (Close left right window) CWINDOWT (Close top light window) CWINDOWB (Close bottom light Window) ------------------------------------ With theese arguments you can close a specific chritsmaslight window. To disable christmaslights, just specify all the CWINDOWx arguments. -------- CHOPTREE -------- If this argument is specified, the Christmastree that is centered on the wb by default, is disabled. -------------------------- TREEA_ADD=<number> (-30-30) -------------------------- Add alphachannelvalue to the christmastree. The higher the value is, the more the christmasstar glows! ---------------------------- TREELA_ADD=<number> (-30-30) ---------------------------- Add alphachannelvalue to the christmastree twinklethings ;). (Thoose tiny twinkles that appear on the christmastree.) The higher the value is, the more the twinkles glow! ************* *** NOTE! *** ************* You can exit XMasBench at any time by sending a CTRL-C to it. Greets ****** Toaks - Soon you will be able to play COMI properly ;). Contact ******* This is how you contact us/me... Email: