Short:        A utility to view a file in a hexadecimal way
Author:       Tjitte de Wolff
Uploader:     tjitte castel nl (Tjitte de Wolff)
Type:         util/wb
Version:      1.1
Requires:     Amiga with OS_nearly_4
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0


V1.1 Released Februari 2006

-- It now supports full drag and drop:
   . An icon can be dropped in the file gadget box
   . An icon can be dropped on the HexView icon on screen when in iconified state
   . An icon can be dropped on the HexView icon in AmiDock

-- Only one instance is allowed
   when in iconified state:
   . Clicking on the HexView icon, whether in its home directory, in AmiDock or the AppIcon, will open up the window
   . Dropping an icon on the HexView icon, whether on the AmiDock icon or the App icon, will open up the updated window

   when NOT in iconified state:
   . Dropping an icon on the HexView icon, whether on the DropZone, the AmiDock icon or the App icon, will update the window

-- Tooltypes are supported (a bit experimental and more as an excercise on the subject):
   -- Numeric tooltypes:
   . WBICONPOS_X for the x-position of the icon when in iconified state
   . WBICONPOS_Y for the y-position of the icon when in iconified state
     These two are restored at closing time with the current screen position

   -- Boolean tooltypes (TRUE, YES, 1 & ON all yield TRUE, FALSE, NO, 0 & OFF all yield FALSE):
   . IconifyAtStartup
   . ListToolTypes