Short:        Draws outline/shadow on WB 3.5 icon text
Author:       rolfr@worldonline,dk
Uploader:     rolfr worldonline,dk
Type:         util/wb
Replaces:     util/wb/outlinefont12.lha
Requires:     AmigaOS 3.0 or higher. 68020 or better.
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

OutlineFont is a small patch that draws an outline or a shadow around
Workbench icon text, increasing the readability on some background images, 
and just generally looking snazzier.

1.3 - Changed the way the patch checks for icon text drawing. Now it works
      with WB 3.5, but you may need to change your settings in Prefs/Font.

      As a result of this the executable is smaller and probably also a bit
      faster now.