Short: FreD'S Iomega Zip 250 on AMIGAs Author: (Fred Putz) Uploader: fredputz geocities com (Fred Putz) Type: disk/misc Version: 1.957 Architecture: m68k-amigaos * Purpose --------- Enables Iomega Zip 250 MB (SCSI of course) (PC formatted) usage on AMIGAs. Does not recognize automatically between 100 and 250MB disks. To use 100MB disks with the Zip250 drive, simply use/mount the good old PZ0C mount-list (also included in this archive). * Requirements -------------- - an AMIGA :-) - OS 3.1 or higher - an SCSI Adapter - an Iomega Zip250 SCSI drive - a Zip 250MB disk - the mount-file and icon of this archive * Installation -------------- - Copy the mount files and icons to your Sys:Storage/DOSDrivers directory or Sys:Devs/DOSDrivers if you want them to be mounted at startup. - Edit the Lines: DEVICE = your_SCSI_adapter.device UNIT = 5 or 6, check the switch on your Zip250 drive - Edit the same lines in the icons... * Test Machine -------------- - AMIGA 4000 - Cyberstorm MKII 060 - Cyberstorm SCSI Adapter - Oktagon 2008 SCSI Adapter - Kick 3.1 - OS 3.5 - 82 MB RAM - etc... * History --------- - V 1.957: first public release (27.FEB.2000) As I was looking for a cool way of exchanging large files between my AMIGA at home and the PC at my office, I thought that the new Iomega Zip250 would be a good idea. But as I was not sure that the AMIGA could handle Zip250 drives I waited till the "AMIGA special" (German) magazine published in their June/July '99 edition a first report, including the needed mount-file. So I bought the Zip250 SCSI extern drive, but unfortunately the published mount-file from "AMIGA special" did not function at all !!! So I had to build one myself... The needed technical information were found at/with: - - CyberStorm SCSI Tool Disk 2.1 from Phase5 - AmigaDos Book from good old Commodore * Author -------- Fred Putz (AGIMA of <ES) 106, rue Pierre Gansen L-4570 Niederkorn E-Mail: Web: AMIGA user since 1988 For more details and eventual updates and other AMIGA stuff from <ES, please take a ride to: