Short: V1.2. Backup RDB along with data before it, r/w device images Author: Tadek Knapik <> Uploader: Tadek Knapik <tadek nautilus uwoj krakow pl> Type: disk/misc Architecture: m68k-amigaos This program lets you backup your RigidDiskBlock along with possible data placed before it. This means it will help you when you, like me, have an Amiga hard disk with a fully-qualified pc-partition. On block 0 there is pc MBR (Master Boot Record), and Amiga RDB starts on block 3. Rigids by default saves to a file all data from block 0 to the end of RDB data. And it can restore it, if course :) It can also backup only RDB, or start backup at specified offset. When restoring, default action is to write data from the file exactly to where it was on the disk. But you can choose to write only RDB at specified offset as well. Since v1.1 it can also read/write from/to a file any amount of data directly interfacing the device. You just specify start block, number of blocks and a filename. I wrote it because I hadn't found any shell proggy to do it, and it is quite related (in my case, at least) to this RDB/MBR stuff. All such programs known to me were using DOS devices (eg. DH0:, PCC:) instead of exec's, which makes some cases hopeless. Or they use GUI and make easy (for a programmer) task of writing several blocks great time-consuming fun. Without a chance to automate it. Version 1.2 adds possibility to write files with size != n*512. It also fixes handling of RDBBlocksLo. In previuos versions of Rigids this was just untouched (which was wrong). Read up the docs to find out more about it. In case you won't read it, I just recommend to re-make your backups, so they hold the correct value. And then write it back to the disk, so it is there as well. Still considered beta, because I hadn't too many volunteers for betatesting :)) Tadek Knapik <> Snail-mail: ul. Duza Gora 35/88 30-857 Cracow Poland