Short:        Sets SFS object attributes with src
Author:       Jean-Marie COAT <agalliance free fr>
Uploader:     Jean-Marie COAT <agalliance free fr>
Type:         disk/misc
Version:      1.6
Requires:     Smartfilesystem
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0
Distribution: Aminet

This is the SFSobject 68k version by Jean-Marie COAT based
on SFSobject 1.6 PPC version (C) by Martin Steigerwald.

This is a small utility to set some attributes of SmartFilesystem objects.
Filesystem objects are directories and files for example. SFS supports to
hide objects or to make them undeleteable.

Thus you can hide some of your files or make a directory undeleteable even
when delete protection for it is turned off.

Read its AmigaGuide manual for more information.

        -=- Readme created with ReadmeMUI 1.1 ©2002-2007 Jean-Marie COAT <agalliance free fr> -=-