Short:        Shows data on SCSI devices (via MUI GUI)
Uploader:     Richard sellens demon co uk
Type:         disk/misc
Version:      1.5
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Replace:      Disk/Misc/Scsi_List#

This is a little program which uses a MUI interface to view
any SCSI devices connected to the any scsi controller on the
machine. The program displays a cycle gadget with the
avaliable scsi controller devices, for each contoller
the program displays a list of the devices,
and then a more detailed break down of each device.

The cycle gadget only list mounted devices, which contain the
word "scsi", if your device name does not contain the word
"scsi" then you will need to use the icon tooltypes :

Please Email me if you use this program, and let me know
on what machines / devices you have used it on. If you
find any bugs or have any sugestions again please let me

Thanks to the following people

Ariel Magnum
Christer Bjarnemo - Swedish Catalog
Gregor Kuhlnumm - German Catalog
Glen Miller
Gilles Morain
Jeff Lindstrom - Device name length bug report
Jon Peterson
Richard Williams - Device name length bug report
Sascha Reissner
Francis Labrie - French Catalog
Thomas Philippe - character display bug, Image display bug
Miguel Fides - Spanish Catalog
Ole-Morten - Norwegian Catalog

V1.0 Origional Release
V1.1 Minor Bug Fix for device string length
V1.2 Added Locale Support (not all strings), added more info fields
V1.3 Added ability to select controllers from cycle gadget,
     Completed Locale Support for strings
V1.4 Corrected Bug which cause unwanted characters to display 
        on empty device
     Corrected Image display in List (not showing complete Image)
     Added ability to have 5 device TOOLTYPES
     Added code to prevent duplication of devices
V1.5 Minor Change to method used to display device 
     Modified Device List search to use same routine
        as TOOLTYPES to add device to list.
     Modified Method used to select page from list
     Modified Unit Page layout to allow for resizing
        of window and hence gadgets.