Short:        Filesystem for .d64 disk images
Author:       Fredrik Wikstrom
Uploader:     Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org>
Type:         disk/misc
Version:      0.3
Architecture: ppc-amigaos

This filesystem is written for diskimage.device versions 52.21 and higher
(mounting of .d64 image files). There is a "ID64" dosdriver included for this

I am writing this mostly as an excercise in writing filesystems for AmigaOS.
That the D64 filesystem is extremely simple (no directories, all files in root
dir) is a good thing in this case.

The filesystem is in a very early alpha stage at the moment also being the first
filesystem I have written so there may be bugs.

It does support browsing/reading files though, and seems stable at this. It has
no write support however (don't think I will implement it in this filesystem).

Known Bugs:

 - removing a disk while it is being accessed (read from) will result in a crash


0.3 (16-Nov-2007)
 - Now gets the correct file sizes in bytes (thanks to Lou Dias for pointing out
   how to do this)

0.2 (12-Nov-2007)
 - Fixed a crash on disk removal
 - Fixed filename reading
 - Fixed crash when running the diskimage.device installer with ID64: mounted
   but no disk inserted (to workaround either insert a .d64 image or disable
   by f.e. moving the DOSDriver into SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers)

 - First released version