Short:        Convert DAX images to ISO
Author:       Dark_AleX, Fredrik Wikstrom (OS4 port)
Uploader:     Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org>
Type:         disk/misc
Version:      0.3
Replaces:     disk/misc/dax2iso.lha
Architecture: ppc-amigaos

DAX2ISO Converter 0.3 (by Dark_AleX)

Usage: daxcr [OPTIONS] inputfile outputfile [infofile]

infofile: optional text file to be created with information about the
compression of each frame.


-d: decompress the inputfile to outputfile.
    If not set, default operation is to compress inputfile to outputfile.
-ln: where n is a number from [0-9]. Specifies the zlib compression level.
    0=default compromise between speed and compression.
    1=compress faster, but worse.
    9=compress slower, but better.
-an: where n is a number between 0-8192 or nothing.
     It activate the search of not compressed (NC) areas.
     n indicates the limit from which consider that a frame is not
     enough compressed, and making it a candidate to form part of a NC area.
     If n is not specified or if it's zero, then the value 8192 is used,
     which is the same size that the frame size of the dax format, meaning
     that only frames that not were compressed at all, not even a single byte,
     will be candidates to be part of a NC area.
-v: it searchs for video files in the input file and forced them
    to be part of NC areas without analyzing if they could be compressed.
    After that, the search of other NC areas will be done, even if
    "-a" was not specified.
-s: it searchs for audio files in the input file and forced them
    to be part of NC areas without analyzing if they could be compressed.
    After that, the search of other NC areas will be done, even if
    "-a" was not specified.
-w: if this option is set, the program will wait for user input
    before exiting.


 - Fixed all endian issues that I could find (both compress/decompress should
   be working correctly now)