Short: plays samples when disk inserted/ejected Uploader: br103 city ac uk (Nick Ridley) Type: disk/misc Author Nico François Architecture: m68k-amigaos DiskTalk 1.0 (1 Nov 1989) -------------------------- In a long (endless) line of Amiga hacks I present : DiskTalk. DiskTalk will monitor disk activity and whenever a disk is ejected or inserted it will play one of two samples. The effect can be hilarious. Because it's the year of batmania I have included two appropriate samples. Just try the program out by double-clicking its icon. CLI USAGE: "1> Run DiskTalk <diskin sound> <diskout sound>" WB USAGE: Click the icon once, use the 'Info' command in the 'WorkBench' menu and enter "SOUNDS= <diskin sound> <diskout sound>" in the tooltypes. NOTE: - The samples are loaded in chip memory, so this program can limit multitasking a lot. But remember, it's only a hack. - You can use your own samples very easily, just save them as an IFF file. - Raw samples can also be read, but they will always be played at 10KHz. - The effect is a zillion times funnier if you leave DiskTalk running and you forget it's there. - Use the close gadget to quit or send a break command (CTRL-C). - You can crunch the soundfiles with PowerPacker (one of my utilities) to save some diskspace (samples crunch VERY badly though, +-10%), DiskTalk will recognize this and decrunch the files. Have fun, Nico. Reactions, bug reports,... to: Nico François Corbielaan 13 B-3060 Bertem BELGIUM