Short:        Six operator FM syntheziser
Author: (Christian Stiens)
Uploader:     stiens uni-muenster de
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Place:        /mus/misc

FMsynth v3.7 is a six operator FM software syntheziser. Each
operator has one of four waveforms and a four segment amplitude
envelope. A common pitch envelope can be turned on or off for
every operator separately. FMsynth has a free editable algorithm,
a realtime LFO and realtime release rate. The FM sounds can be
saved in 8SVX or raw format and can be played on the amiga
keyboard, a MIDI keyboard connected to the amiga or via ARexx.

Included are 280 sounds and the program FMconvert which converts
DX7 voice banks to the FMsynth voice format.

FMsynth is Shareware, the key file costs $20 or DM 30. Without
the key the Save functions are disabled.