Short:        MPEG Audio stream validator
Author:       Dieter Baron, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough
Uploader:     Varthall / Up Rough <varti02 hotpop com>
Type:         mus/misc
Version:      0.2
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.5

  This is malint, an MPEG Audio stream validator.

  It parses an MPEG audio stream and prints information about the
stream and format violations it finds.

  Many of the checks (and information outputs) can be enabled or
disabled via command line switches.  Run `malint --help' for a list.

  `malint -I' (--fast-info) only prints information that can be
provided without reading (and parsing) the whole MPEG stream.

  For generic installation instructions, see file `INSTALL'.

  If you make a binary distribution, please include a pointer to the
distribution site: /pub/nih/malint

  The latest version can always be found there and on the backup sites: /pub/nih/malint /pub/nih/malint

  Mail suggestions and bug reports to <dillo()>.