The BootWB1x.adf is a minimal boot floppy to load the Kickstart
Workbench (1.0-3.1 - missing in 0.x betas, Amiga 4000T 3.1 ROM,
Cloanto's 3.X, and Hyperion's 3.1.4/3.2). This disk includes an
implementation of a v1.x libs/icon.library replacement to allow
creating the Workbench task from v1.x ROMs without the need for
the original Workbench disk (which you otherwise must own/buy).
To save even more space the icon.library has a CLI command-line
interface that implements LoadWB and EndCLI. In 2.0+ Kickstarts
the icon.library is already included and the disk version isn't
used by the Workbench (due to the lower version number). In the
end, there're 1747 free blocks (max: single 840824 bytes file).
The source code can also be found at: