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The old classic story, now gets even more interesting. We all know
Bill Gates, and we all know that he is even worse than Scrudge..
You can read the rest.. :)
And now, some (non-interesting) info:
- My name is Teodore Hatzikostas (just in case you've wondered)
- The translation from Greek to English was made by Dimitris Panokostas
- We're also known as AirRaidSi and MidWan, resting somewhere in
undernet (see #AmigaHellas).. Hello mam! Hello ssya! Hello [....]
- teohatz@hol.gr and panokost@zeus.waternet.diavlos.gr.
- (My e-mail address is one and a half smaller than his)!
And of'course
- Olympiakos is a football-basketball team of the South. They wear red
t-shirts, and have permanent protection from referees!
- PAOK is the famous team from the North. Black and white is the
colour of ou.. eh.. their flag..
- Mpakas is a famous football referee.. He was beaten by AEK's fans,
because of an unfair penalty (which gave the cup to Panathinaikos).
- Panathinaikos is the biggest enemy of Olympiakos.
- Aris is the biggest enemy of PAOK.
- Iraklis has no enemies..
- Iraklis has 300 fans.. No more, no less..
Don't forget
- LogoData is the company from where I bought my printer..
- That's why God invented grenade launchers..
Well that's all folks... E-MAIL your negative/positive comments,
or else, be damned forever.. :)
E-Mail addresses: /
Theodore Hatzikostas ---> teohatz@hol.gr
Dimitris Panokostas ---> panokost@waternet.diavlos.gr
Yours truly,
Teodore Hatzikostas
Contents of docs/misc/XMasStory.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 875 1635 53.5% -lh5- 121f Dec 28 1996 XMasStory.readme
[generic] 5653 12217 46.3% -lh5- 7b27 Dec 28 1996 XMasStoryENG.txt
[generic] 6416 12542 51.2% -lh5- ea7a Dec 26 1996 XMasStoryGR.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 12944 26394 49.0% Dec 29 1996
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