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This are 8 ANSI-Animations from my BBS...Do you like it?...Do you want a
ANSI-Animtion for your BBS?? ....Call to my BBS...and tell it....I make one
for you...
OtHeR gReAt StUfF fRoM aLiRiOn:
File: Type: Description:
Euler.lha pix/3dani Spacefighteranim with Sound.
Shuttle.lha pix/anim Star-Trek Highlander-Shuttleanimation.
tng2.jpg pix/trace Alirion`s Version of the NCC 1701D.
tng3.jpg pix/trace Alirion`s Version of the NCC 1701D.
tng4.jpg pix/trace Alirion`s Version of the NCC 1701D.
tng5.jpg pix/trace Alirion`s Version of the NCC 1701D.
tng6.jpg pix/trace Alirion`s Version of the NCC 1701D.
tng7.jpg pix/trace Alirion`s Version of the NCC 1701D.
tng8.jpg pix/trace Alirion`s Version of the NCC 1701D.
rohr1_4.lha pix/3dani Raytraced Tunnel-Animation PART 1/4.
rohr2_4.lha pix/3dani Raytraced Tunnel-Animation PART 2/4.
rohr3_4.lha pix/3dani Raytraced Tunnel-Animation PART 3/4.
rohr4_4.lha pix/3dani Raytraced Tunnel-Animation PART 4/4.
flig1_2.lha pix/3dani "Fight with an Walker" PART 1/2.
flig2_2.lha pix/3dani "Fight with an Walker" PART 2/2.
petrot.jpg pix/illu Petro Tchytchenko in the Computer 96.
Mongi.lha pix/art Katacho`s "Fressack der zuviel ass" :) .
figh.jpg pix/trace A Spacefighter near the Sun.
EulerBIG.lha pix/3dani BIG Version from "Euler.lha".
ThAtS aLl ... FoLkS ... FoR tHe MoMeNt ...
My AdReSs:
MaRiUs EcKaRdT
MoErSbErGeRsTr. 48
4057 BaSeL
PhOnE: ++41 +61 6912786
BBS: ++41 +61 6924209
Contents of docs/misc/ansis.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2190 32223 6.8% -lh5- 58fa Dec 26 1996 evil.ans
[generic] 1166 59626 2.0% -lh5- f0a3 Dec 26 1996 maku.ans
[generic] 6184 37672 16.4% -lh5- e863 Mar 2 1997 MAKU.ansi
[generic] 5141 82672 6.2% -lh5- 6508 Dec 26 1996 maku2.ans
[generic] 3458 14673 23.6% -lh5- 5be1 Nov 12 1996 shuttle2.ans
[generic] 620 9855 6.3% -lh5- 7549 Dec 26 1996 to.ans
[generic] 702 16274 4.3% -lh5- d8d4 Dec 26 1996 welco.ans
[generic] 1306 55725 2.3% -lh5- 2617 Dec 26 1996 werb.tex
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 20767 308720 6.7% Mar 7 1997
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