84782 packages online
game/jump/JumpingJack.lha |
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
948 932 1.6% 12-Jan-80 01:54:58 +bell.sfx
5420 4918 9.2% 12-Jan-80 01:55:04 +cash.sfx
720 288 60.0% 12-Jan-80 01:55:06 +coin.shp
4800 4314 10.1% 12-Jan-80 01:55:12 +coinget.sfx
11270 10725 4.8% 12-Jan-80 01:55:22 +complete.sfx
1420 1413 0.4% 12-Jan-80 01:55:28 +faller.sfx
264 27 89.7% 12-Jan-80 04:55:56 +jump.font
924 528 42.8% 12-Jan-80 04:55:52 +8
5228 4474 14.4% 12-Jan-80 01:55:34 +freeman.sfx
9050 8649 4.4% 12-Jan-80 01:55:40 +gameover.sfx
640 268 58.1% 12-Jan-80 01:55:42 +go.shp
2882 2543 11.7% 12-Jan-80 01:55:50 +gotenough.sfx
888 820 7.6% 12-Jan-80 01:55:52 +hithead.sfx
974 815 16.3% 12-Jan-80 01:55:54 +jump.sfx
3141 1430 54.4% 12-Jan-80 01:59:24 +jumpin.doc
969 416 57.0% 03-Oct-80 01:02:54 +JUMPIN.doc.info
390 267 31.5% 03-Oct-80 01:02:54 +JUMPING-JACK.info
73336 28972 60.4% 12-Jan-80 01:56:14 +jumpinjack
7876 7313 7.1% 12-Jan-80 01:56:46 +loselife.sfx
1000 96 90.4% 12-Jan-80 01:56:52 +map1.bin
1000 166 83.4% 12-Jan-80 01:56:56 +map2.bin
1000 137 86.3% 12-Jan-80 01:56:02 +map3.bin
1000 180 82.0% 12-Jan-80 01:57:06 +map4.bin
11204 4617 58.7% 12-Jan-80 01:57:14 +shapes.iff
6688 2833 57.6% 12-Jan-80 01:57:22 +shapes.shp
2646 2498 5.5% 12-Jan-80 01:57:28 +smash.sfx
19934 5487 72.4% 12-Jan-80 01:57:36 +title.iff
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
175612 95126 45.8% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00 27 files
Contents of game/jump/JumpingJack.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 932 948 98.3% -lh5- 1a94 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/bell.sfx
[generic] 4918 5420 90.7% -lh5- 6ad6 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/cash.sfx
[generic] 288 720 40.0% -lh5- b966 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/coin.shp
[generic] 4314 4800 89.9% -lh5- 20d1 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/coinget.sfx
[generic] 10725 11270 95.2% -lh5- 2a04 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/complete.sfx
[generic] 1413 1420 99.5% -lh5- 6481 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/faller.sfx
[generic] 27 264 10.2% -lh5- ac74 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/fonts/jump.font
[generic] 528 924 57.1% -lh5- 6630 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/fonts/jump/8
[generic] 4474 5228 85.6% -lh5- fb5c Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/freeman.sfx
[generic] 8649 9050 95.6% -lh5- fce9 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/gameover.sfx
[generic] 268 640 41.9% -lh5- fe3f Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/go.shp
[generic] 2543 2882 88.2% -lh5- 7fa9 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/gotenough.sfx
[generic] 820 888 92.3% -lh5- 5e41 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/hithead.sfx
[generic] 815 974 83.7% -lh5- 4d22 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/jump.sfx
[generic] 1430 3141 45.5% -lh5- b709 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/jumpin.doc
[generic] 416 969 42.9% -lh5- 7cf6 Oct 3 1980 JumpingJack/JUMPIN.doc.info
[generic] 267 390 68.5% -lh5- 3a8d Oct 3 1980 JumpingJack/JUMPING-JACK.info
[generic] 28972 73336 39.5% -lh5- e043 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/jumpinjack
[generic] 7313 7876 92.9% -lh5- 40b1 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/loselife.sfx
[generic] 96 1000 9.6% -lh5- f864 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/map1.bin
[generic] 166 1000 16.6% -lh5- f494 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/map2.bin
[generic] 137 1000 13.7% -lh5- a7d1 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/map3.bin
[generic] 180 1000 18.0% -lh5- 70a2 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/map4.bin
[generic] 4617 11204 41.2% -lh5- 39af Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/shapes.iff
[generic] 2833 6688 42.4% -lh5- 52d7 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/shapes.shp
[generic] 2498 2646 94.4% -lh5- e807 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/smash.sfx
[generic] 5487 19934 27.5% -lh5- a4c0 Jan 12 1980 JumpingJack/title.iff
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 27 files 95126 175612 54.2% Sep 2 1995
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