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Short:PacMan 05
Author:Jürgen Schober
Uploader:juergen cox net (Jürgen Schober)
Requires:AmigaOS 4.x
Download:game/jump/PacMan05.lha - View contents

PacMan05 is an AmigaOS 4.0 port of PacMan96.

I have re-written the whole blit and audio code. The original used an index
based 32 color mode and was able to run on a custom screen as well as the
Workbench, if 32 continues colors are available. It was optimized for ECS/AGA
Amigas but also ran on graphics board equiped classics. It did, however, not
work on true color screen (including a true color Workbench).

The original audio code includes a mod player written in 68k asm which hits the
classic hardware directly. It will crash on machines which do not have a Paula

PacMan 05 runs on AmigaOS 4 only.

PacMan 05 now runs on true color screens only. Index based modes are not
available any more. 

PacMan 05 uses AHI and the ptplay code to play the mods. SVX8 samples are played
directly thru AHI (and use audio buffers if possible).

PacMan 05 supports Joypads (even USB!) thru AmigaInput (lowlevel emulation for

PacMan 05 is still beta and will stay there - maybe forever ;) Animplayer is
still not implemented.'s a pitty to keep it just on my harddrive.

And...PacMan 05 is 100% AmigaOS 4 API! No SDL port =:)


Jürgen (juergen AT cox DOT net )  11/09/2005

The original PacMan96 is included. Try it on E-UAE!
Read the doc in there. Ignore the email adresses and contacts, they are most
likely outdated. But recognize the authors. Credits where credits are due!

Note: Fullscreen is fixed to 320x256 (but runs on other resolutions as well).
You might propably want to create such a mode on an AmigaOne first, though.

WARNING: There are still bugs. Content provided AS IS. Don't complain :) I'll
fix things from time to time.

Version 1.0.6 02/26/2006 -js- (port 0.2)
        - rewritten Event handling. Uses ablit/abu event handling including native AmigaInput support
        - removed LowLevel library emulation (now AIN native)
        - fixed keyboard delay (no "event flickering" in keyboard mode)
        - keyboard is now always active (in parallel to joystick)
        - Joystick supports both, hats and stick
        - fullscreen / window mode switch works now (sort of)
        - removed external mod plugin (savage mod error)
        - now statically linked to clib2/ablit/abu (no shared libs necessary)
        - executeable size is down to ~700K (incl. linked in graphics & sound (90%))
        - still bugs left. Some stuff needs a complete re-write. But the game is pretty playable.

Known Bugs 02/26/2006
 - Colors are not 100% freed at exit (pen0)
  - unstable on exit (?) Please report this if possible
        - loose joysticks after one run (AIN problem ?). This does not happen always.

Contents of game/jump/PacMan05.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]               325828  728608  44.7% -lh5- b8b8 Feb 26  2006 PacMan05/PacMan05
[generic]                 1166    2090  55.8% -lh5- 64ac Nov  9  2005 PacMan05/
[generic]                 1340    1857  72.2% -lh5- 71ba Nov  9  2005 PacMan05/PacMan96/
[generic]                53233  104806  50.8% -lh5- eb10 Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/X-MasMan
[generic]               133980  205084  65.3% -lh5- 2a65 Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/X-MasSmpl
[generic]                 1374    2637  52.1% -lh5- 7711 Feb 26  2006 PacMan05/
[generic]                 1839    2053  89.6% -lh5- 46ad Nov  9  2005 PacMan05/
[generic]                  666    1604  41.5% -lh5- 9829 Nov  9  2005 PacMan05/PacMan96/
[generic]                10772   33230  32.4% -lh5- 4998 Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/PacMan96_Deutsch.Guide
[generic]                10574   31177  33.9% -lh5- a9d8 Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/PacMan96_English.Guide
[generic]                 6324   10856  58.3% -lh5- e96b Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/X-Mas96
[generic]                 1158    1622  71.4% -lh5- 608f Nov  9  2005 PacMan05/PacMan96/
[generic]                  666    1197  55.6% -lh5- eb47 Nov  9  2005 PacMan05/PacMan96/
[generic]                  978    1850  52.9% -lh5- 101f Jan 26  1997 PacMan05/PacMan96/paclevels/ViewAnims.readme
[generic]                 1292    1816  71.1% -lh5- 50a1 Jan 26  1997 PacMan05/PacMan96/paclevels/
[generic]               328425  627812  52.3% -lh5- d572 Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/PacMan96
[generic]                 1337    1857  72.0% -lh5- fd5e Nov  9  2005 PacMan05/PacMan96/
[generic]                22900   40720  56.2% -lh5- 65a2 Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/libs/asl.library
[generic]                 4022    6920  58.1% -lh5- 1fe8 Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/libs/lowlevel.library
[generic]                  175   14540   1.2% -lh5- 9837 Jan 26  1997 PacMan05/PacMan96/paclevels/ViewAnims.PacLevels
[generic]                  527    3847  13.7% -lh5- e561 Jan 26  1997 PacMan05/PacMan96/paclevels/
[generic]                   26      26 100.0% -lh0- 2c5c Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/s/startup-sequence
[generic]                 3692    5949  62.1% -lh5- 03b1 Feb 26  2006
[generic]                 4104    5949  69.0% -lh5- abe2 Nov  9  2005 PacMan05/
[generic]                 8324   13484  61.7% -lh5- f639 Jan 12  2002 PacMan05/PacMan96/c/SetPatch
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        25 files  924722 1851591  49.9%            Mar  1  2006
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