---===+*Zoid's Quest*+===---
Zoid's Quest is a game in the style of the classic jump-and-run console
games. At the moment only a few levels exist, but hopefully as the versions
progress more will be added.
Game Play
Zoid can attack enemies in two ways. The most basic way is to merely
jump on to the enemies head, as is done in Mario type games. The second
way involves the use of magic. Zoid can collect magic by collecting the
blue liquid contained in vials that are scattered throughout the levels.
The power bar in the left corner measures how magic Zoid has available to
him. As he collects more vials the bar will grow in length. Once Zoid has
enough magic a rune will appear and rotate about Zoid. As more magic is
collected more runes will appear.
These runes serve a number of purposes. Firstly, by holding the '.' key
they can be used to attack; they will spin around Zoid faster and if an
enemy comes into contact with them, it will be killed.
Secondly, the runes are defensive. If Zoid is touched by an enemy while
he has no magic he will die. However, if Zoid is touched while he has
runes, then only the number of runes will decrease.
Spikes and holes in the ground will kill Zoid instantly regardless of the
number of runes.
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| A M I G A O S 4 . 0 C O M P I L E B Y |
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| I am in a shitty economical situation, so if you feel |
| that what I do is worth anything, use paypal to donate |
| to my email addy, spotATtriadDOTse, thanx! |
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| Spot / Up Rough 2006 |
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