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/X\X\X\X\X/X\X\X\X\X/X\X\X\X What is Divumex? X\X/X\X\X\X\X/X\X\X\X\X/X\X\
This is a preview of a game I am being developing. It's a vertical shoot'em
up, designed as a tribute to Xevious, a game produced by Namco and Atari in
the early 80s.
X\X\X\X/X\X\X\X\X/X\X\X\X\X/X New Features X\X\X\X\X/X\X\X\X\X/X\X\X\X\X/X/
Here follows a "what's new in there" list. I won't mention the countless
minor ones, which are anyway noticeable while playing.
- The game area is twice as long. Now the demo runs for nearly 11 minutes
(if you ever manage to see it all without dying :) against the 5 minutes
of Demo #1. I'll further enlarge it anyway.
- Now there's a score and an high score. The points per enemy rates are
temporaneous and most probably they will be readjusted.
- Now the player has more than a single life. Previously the game ended as
soon as you were hit.
- I added more new graphics, trying to add a 3d effect with shadows,
embossing etc. I have to say that I'll heartily accept anybody willing to
help me drawing graphics, mainly because I don't feel I'm an artist, and
my drawings might have a poor quality.
Obviously your submissions must resemble Xevious and respect some
technical parameters which I'll promptly reveal to anybody interested.
- New enemies are present, both going by land and by air, and I even added
some unvisible enemies which yield 500 points each when hit. To find
them, just shoot when the crosshair turns red, not being any visible enemy
under it.
- Enemy movements are slightly more complex now: while the previous version
featured straightlined movements, now there are more smart routines to
accomplish them. For instance, some aliens suddenly start moving after
being still for a hile, other ones attack you and then quickly escape,
other ones even try to avoid your bullets.
- Bullet movement is closer to reality. Enemy bullets always fly at the
same speed now, regardless to the distance between them and your ship.
- The Start Screen has been replaced by one painted by Andrea Doimo.
- Upon demand I removed the 'wait until disk activity ends' requester,
which was actually crashing under 1.3. If anybody knows how to implement
such a thing still keeping 1.3 compatibility, in assembly, then please
contact me.
= Claudio Mazzuco =
Contents of game/shoot/DvmxDem2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3947 8623 45.8% -lh5- 6f38 Mar 25 1997 Divumex_Demo/Divumex_eng.doc
[generic] 3854 8754 44.0% -lh5- 22b0 Mar 21 1997 Divumex_Demo/Divumex_es.doc
[generic] 320 579 55.3% -lh5- 8fe8 Mar 21 1997 Divumex_Demo/Divumex_es.doc.info
[generic] 5167 12214 42.3% -lh5- ecba Mar 19 1997 Divumex_Demo/Divumex_ita.doc
[generic] 320 579 55.3% -lh5- f72d Mar 21 1997 Divumex_Demo/Divumex_ita.doc.info
[generic] 267 628 42.5% -lh5- 52f1 Mar 21 1997 Divumex_Demo.info
[generic] 77744 337836 23.0% -lh5- 624c Mar 21 1997 Divumex_Demo/Divumex
[generic] 468 5238 8.9% -lh5- ada0 Mar 21 1997 Divumex_Demo/Divumex.info
[generic] 322 579 55.6% -lh5- 356a Mar 21 1997 Divumex_Demo/Divumex_eng.doc.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 92409 375030 24.6% Mar 25 1997
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