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The Quake 2 Amiga sources as released by Hyperion, original
readme included below. The archives have all been converted
from Hyperion's proprietary .hpa format to lha for this
upload. I have not been able to build a working executable
yet, but the sources are identical to what I got from the
Hyperion CD, so with a little more effort it should be
possible. Thanks goes to darklite (and Hyperion) for making
these sources available to the Amiga community.
=== Hyperion readme.first ===
Please note that not EVERYTHING on this CD is under the GPL.
The Quake 2 and qtools and the DLL System and the Mods D-Day, Star Wars, Q2Max
and Threewave CTF *are* under GPL.
Please note that if you are interested in a different licence for the DLL-System
than the GPL (for example to compile Mods which are not under GPL like ActionQuake)
you should discuss this issue with me (SteffenH@hyperion-entertainment.com) or Ben Hermans.
Such a licence could include something like "may be used for AmigaOS-based Projects free
of charge". For details contact me or Ben Hermans. For GPL-based-projects you can of course just use the GPL-version of
the DLL Library without any limitations other than the GPL, and you do not need
to ask for permission or anything like it, other than making sure that you do not
harm the regulations of the GPL.
Please note the stuff inside lib.hpa is only needed for StormC, not for
other compilers.
If you'd like to release a recompile for not-GPLed Quake 2 Mods
- for Example like ActionQuake or Fireteam - you need to have a different
licence'd version for the DLL-System than the GPL-version included on this CD.
(As Mods like ActionQuake are not under the GPL, but under a different OpenSource
Most Q2 Mods are not under GPL, so you cannot
release Binaries linked with the GPL-version of the DLL-Code. If you find Source-Code
for an Amiga-Port of a Not-GPLed Quake 2 Mod on this CD or on other places which does
include a file dll.h, then please assume this file was given under a different
licence than the GPL ("can be used free of charge for AmigaOS-based projects" basically, contact me for details).
Please note that if you need a different licenced version of the DLL-Code that
we are quite open to sensible suggestions about it, so don't be afraid to ask!!!
Please also note that depending on which compilers you use you might
have to do small adaptions in the makefiles (calling elf2exe2 or not
for example). For some Mods there are also StormC 68k project files
included to compile a 68k (Beta) version of Quake 2. Never tried if
they still work with the most recent version. But they should, normally.
The StormC 68k version needed some optimizer-stuff disabled to work without
graphics bugs and that did "break" it on Amithlon (and made it extremely
slow on a real Amiga). A gcc 68k 2.95.3 version compiled had even more graphics bugs.
I think the issue is something with the linker libraries.
Steffen Haeuser
Hyperion Entertainment
Contents of game/shoot/FaithSrc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 54 54 100.0% -lh0- 5e7a Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/compile.bat
[generic] 1415 9838 14.4% -lh5- 9bc2 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/faith_game_68k.ΒΆ
[generic] 570 1500 38.0% -lh5- 971e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/fileio.c
[generic] 131 238 55.0% -lh5- dcb0 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/fileio.h
[generic] 551 1236 44.6% -lh5- 6ae6 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/fileio.o
[generic] 442 1001 44.2% -lh5- 0b50 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/fileio.s
[generic] 6477 24481 26.5% -lh5- 3238 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_ai.c
[generic] 7200 16112 44.7% -lh5- e393 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_ai.o
[generic] 8555 38482 22.2% -lh5- 6d60 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_ai.s
[generic] 1186 3668 32.3% -lh5- c977 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_chase.c
[generic] 1978 3632 54.5% -lh5- 829e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_chase.o
[generic] 2233 7458 29.9% -lh5- e8cd Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_chase.s
[generic] 4081 17828 22.9% -lh5- c233 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_cmds.c
[generic] 8174 21212 38.5% -lh5- 93ba Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_cmds.o
[generic] 9436 43374 21.8% -lh5- f976 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_cmds.s
[generic] 4297 14085 30.5% -lh5- 8177 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_combat.c
[generic] 4986 10144 49.2% -lh5- 77ee Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_combat.o
[generic] 5507 22095 24.9% -lh5- bd9d Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_combat.s
[generic] 18069 67570 26.7% -lh5- ebb5 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_ctf.c
[generic] 1507 4649 32.4% -lh5- 1f19 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_ctf.h
[generic] 27104 61400 44.1% -lh5- ab65 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_ctf.o
[generic] 30704 133916 22.9% -lh5- 2050 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_ctf.s
[generic] 2874 10272 28.0% -lh5- 4d91 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_decoy.c
[generic] 4141 10104 41.0% -lh5- 0513 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_decoy.o
[generic] 3989 18642 21.4% -lh5- 719d Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_decoy.s
[generic] 5842 22672 25.8% -lh5- 64b0 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_faith.c
[generic] 9823 22440 43.8% -lh5- 852f Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_faith.o
[generic] 11216 49196 22.8% -lh5- 7907 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_faith.s
[generic] 12500 50408 24.8% -lh5- 88b1 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_func.c
[generic] 15714 38788 40.5% -lh5- abfe Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_func.o
[generic] 19698 97598 20.2% -lh5- 07a4 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_func.s
[generic] 9753 49224 19.8% -lh5- 1755 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_items.c
[generic] 15662 42808 36.6% -lh5- 583c Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_items.o
[generic] 16484 86853 19.0% -lh5- 4aa1 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_items.s
[generic] 9686 29106 33.3% -lh5- 8b80 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_local.h
[generic] 2824 8114 34.8% -lh5- 7fe4 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_main.c
[generic] 3911 8612 45.4% -lh5- 1169 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_main.o
[generic] 4006 15149 26.4% -lh5- dab8 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_main.s
[generic] 10453 45264 23.1% -lh5- 71cb Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_misc.c
[generic] 16143 40616 39.7% -lh5- bad5 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_misc.o
[generic] 18838 99579 18.9% -lh5- 5581 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_misc.s
[generic] 4002 16788 23.8% -lh5- e5cd Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_monster.c
[generic] 6349 14972 42.4% -lh5- 6bb1 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_monster.o
[generic] 7314 34552 21.2% -lh5- 9061 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_monster.s
[generic] 6260 20640 30.3% -lh5- 7a1b Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_phys.c
[generic] 7419 15092 49.2% -lh5- 57e8 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_phys.o
[generic] 8739 35566 24.6% -lh5- 626e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_phys.s
[generic] 4041 15916 25.4% -lh5- 405a Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_save.c
[generic] 6649 17136 38.8% -lh5- 0554 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_save.o
[generic] 6305 31248 20.2% -lh5- 5e21 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_save.s
[generic] 6375 23407 27.2% -lh5- 5395 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_spawn.c
[generic] 8385 21844 38.4% -lh5- b500 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_spawn.o
[generic] 6935 31191 22.2% -lh5- 9417 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_spawn.s
[generic] 315 593 53.1% -lh5- c227 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_svcmds.c
[generic] 625 1400 44.6% -lh5- 75ee Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_svcmds.o
[generic] 520 1304 39.9% -lh5- bbb6 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_svcmds.s
[generic] 5665 19789 28.6% -lh5- 842b Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_target.c
[generic] 7206 15972 45.1% -lh5- b76d Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_target.o
[generic] 8057 36011 22.4% -lh5- a341 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_target.s
[generic] 3785 13130 28.8% -lh5- 73bb Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_trigger.c
[generic] 4917 11404 43.1% -lh5- 4994 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_trigger.o
[generic] 5109 23217 22.0% -lh5- 5f42 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_trigger.s
[generic] 4144 14076 29.4% -lh5- 09d7 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_turret.c
[generic] 6459 14968 43.2% -lh5- 5f2c Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_turret.o
[generic] 6969 30699 22.7% -lh5- 9211 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_turret.s
[generic] 3627 10238 35.4% -lh5- 4e20 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_utils.c
[generic] 4722 9588 49.2% -lh5- 2c9c Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_utils.o
[generic] 5311 19892 26.7% -lh5- 6252 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_utils.s
[generic] 5682 22567 25.2% -lh5- c4e2 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_weapon.c
[generic] 9308 19984 46.6% -lh5- eb59 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_weapon.o
[generic] 10846 44834 24.2% -lh5- 38ea Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/g_weapon.s
[generic] 33 33 100.0% -lh0- d736 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/game.def
[generic] 1906 16063 11.9% -lh5- a739 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/game.dsp
[generic] 202 531 38.0% -lh5- 8cb8 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/game.dsw
[generic] 2518 6802 37.0% -lh5- 905c Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/game.h
[generic] 4030 51712 7.8% -lh5- bfe1 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/game.opt
[generic] 1221 5578 21.9% -lh5- 1626 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/game.plg
[generic] 110141 246784 44.6% -lh5- dc74 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/gamex86.dll
[generic] 38 38 100.0% -lh0- 9d5a Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/gamex86.exp
[generic] 529 2638 20.1% -lh5- 4835 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/gamex86.lib
[generic] 6303 18681 33.7% -lh5- 9ea9 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/license.txt
[generic] 1148 7264 15.8% -lh5- 58d7 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/m_infantry.h
[generic] 3263 10746 30.4% -lh5- 4c7d Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/m_move.c
[generic] 3920 7888 49.7% -lh5- e8da Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/m_move.o
[generic] 4610 18730 24.6% -lh5- 3c65 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/m_move.s
[generic] 3085 14233 21.7% -lh5- be18 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/m_mutant.c
[generic] 859 5232 16.4% -lh5- 4cba Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/m_mutant.h
[generic] 6350 17480 36.3% -lh5- ccfa Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/m_mutant.o
[generic] 6070 33889 17.9% -lh5- a7e8 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/m_mutant.s
[generic] 1163 6946 16.7% -lh5- dca7 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/m_player.h
[generic] 650 1339 48.5% -lh5- 4c2d Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/makefile
[generic] 2746 11874 23.1% -lh5- 9360 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/maplist.c
[generic] 431 1218 35.4% -lh5- 6908 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/maplist.h
[generic] 3297 7524 43.8% -lh5- 4d25 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/maplist.o
[generic] 3108 12692 24.5% -lh5- 6a1e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/maplist.s
[generic] 11501 22852 50.3% -lh5- f086 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/dll.debug
[generic] 1966 4632 42.4% -lh5- cce4 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/dll.o
[generic] 5415 10222 53.0% -lh5- 265f Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/dllimport.debug
[generic] 249 384 64.8% -lh5- d302 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/dllimport.o
[generic] 12206 24076 50.7% -lh5- a5ee Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/dllstartup.debug
[generic] 488 848 57.5% -lh5- 0ccc Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/dllstartup.o
[generic] 4330 7950 54.5% -lh5- 4149 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/fileio.debug
[generic] 280 464 60.3% -lh5- 89e8 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/fileio.o
[generic] 4237 7948 53.3% -lh5- 8a3e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_ai.debug
[generic] 4672 11776 39.7% -lh5- 71ef Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_ai.o
[generic] 4318 7950 54.3% -lh5- 3b25 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_chase.debug
[generic] 1422 2856 49.8% -lh5- f7e4 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_chase.o
[generic] 4239 7950 53.3% -lh5- e911 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_cmds.debug
[generic] 4659 11080 42.0% -lh5- 984b Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_cmds.o
[generic] 4295 7952 54.0% -lh5- e285 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_combat.debug
[generic] 3214 7788 41.3% -lh5- e3b8 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_combat.o
[generic] 3569 7948 44.9% -lh5- db25 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_ctf.debug
[generic] 16371 39872 41.1% -lh5- e87b Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_ctf.o
[generic] 4312 7950 54.2% -lh5- 0031 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_decoy.debug
[generic] 2582 7752 33.3% -lh5- ff3e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_decoy.o
[generic] 4289 7950 53.9% -lh5- 30a3 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_faith.debug
[generic] 6761 17248 39.2% -lh5- 2a11 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_faith.o
[generic] 3830 7950 48.2% -lh5- 44f7 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_func.debug
[generic] 9602 27544 34.9% -lh5- ee48 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_func.o
[generic] 3973 7950 50.0% -lh5- c50d Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_items.debug
[generic] 9736 26484 36.8% -lh5- d103 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_items.o
[generic] 4340 7950 54.6% -lh5- 0a0d Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_main.debug
[generic] 2312 6212 37.2% -lh5- 5ce5 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_main.o
[generic] 4194 7950 52.8% -lh5- 1043 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_misc.debug
[generic] 10721 40512 26.5% -lh5- 9a1e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_misc.o
[generic] 4314 7952 54.3% -lh5- 08d4 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_monster.debug
[generic] 3953 10020 39.5% -lh5- a09f Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_monster.o
[generic] 4232 7950 53.2% -lh5- 1821 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_phys.debug
[generic] 5538 14524 38.1% -lh5- b814 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_phys.o
[generic] 4223 7950 53.1% -lh5- 220c Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_save.debug
[generic] 3789 9376 40.4% -lh5- a7c7 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_save.o
[generic] 4214 7950 53.0% -lh5- 643a Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_spawn.debug
[generic] 5460 13352 40.9% -lh5- a513 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_spawn.o
[generic] 4345 7952 54.6% -lh5- d57e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_svcmds.debug
[generic] 322 536 60.1% -lh5- 5bd9 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_svcmds.o
[generic] 4284 7952 53.9% -lh5- 8000 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_target.debug
[generic] 4694 11880 39.5% -lh5- b870 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_target.o
[generic] 4299 7952 54.1% -lh5- 6325 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_trigger.debug
[generic] 2847 6608 43.1% -lh5- 7722 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_trigger.o
[generic] 4217 7952 53.0% -lh5- 9890 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_turret.debug
[generic] 4095 11972 34.2% -lh5- d15d Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_turret.o
[generic] 4312 7950 54.2% -lh5- bdad Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_utils.debug
[generic] 3147 7132 44.1% -lh5- 48b6 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_utils.o
[generic] 4209 7952 52.9% -lh5- 72a3 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_weapon.debug
[generic] 6317 17340 36.4% -lh5- 2315 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/g_weapon.o
[generic] 4311 7950 54.2% -lh5- e482 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/m_move.debug
[generic] 2796 6804 41.1% -lh5- 1ca8 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/m_move.o
[generic] 4247 7952 53.4% -lh5- 9e58 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/m_mutant.debug
[generic] 3634 12740 28.5% -lh5- 6e5c Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/m_mutant.o
[generic] 4325 7950 54.4% -lh5- 4fb3 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/maplist.debug
[generic] 1923 4164 46.2% -lh5- 0ee4 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/maplist.o
[generic] 3576 7952 45.0% -lh5- f55e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_client.debug
[generic] 9959 23236 42.9% -lh5- ba1d Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_client.o
[generic] 4316 7948 54.3% -lh5- 9e02 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_hud.debug
[generic] 3227 7396 43.6% -lh5- 3272 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_hud.o
[generic] 4328 7950 54.4% -lh5- 332f Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_menu.debug
[generic] 1018 1732 58.8% -lh5- 7196 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_menu.o
[generic] 4339 7950 54.6% -lh5- 7948 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_trail.debug
[generic] 845 1880 44.9% -lh5- 69f0 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_trail.o
[generic] 4202 7950 52.9% -lh5- 0980 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_view.debug
[generic] 6907 19080 36.2% -lh5- 3a35 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_view.o
[generic] 3876 7952 48.7% -lh5- 0749 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_weapon.debug
[generic] 7492 20396 36.7% -lh5- e844 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/p_weapon.o
[generic] 9433 19026 49.6% -lh5- 6cea Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/q_shared.debug
[generic] 5677 15512 36.6% -lh5- 881f Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/objects_debug/q_shared.o
[generic] 11899 39237 30.3% -lh5- e684 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_client.c
[generic] 15182 32100 47.3% -lh5- 505a Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_client.o
[generic] 16911 69499 24.3% -lh5- 6d60 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_client.s
[generic] 3282 11799 27.8% -lh5- 4115 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_hud.c
[generic] 4800 10036 47.8% -lh5- 0d0e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_hud.o
[generic] 5034 19913 25.3% -lh5- 62a8 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_hud.s
[generic] 944 3187 29.6% -lh5- 9429 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_menu.c
[generic] 221 519 42.6% -lh5- d5c4 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_menu.h
[generic] 1562 3324 47.0% -lh5- a9c1 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_menu.o
[generic] 1644 5998 27.4% -lh5- 108e Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_menu.s
[generic] 742 2122 35.0% -lh5- cc5b Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_trail.c
[generic] 1228 2840 43.2% -lh5- f73b Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_trail.o
[generic] 1221 4643 26.3% -lh5- eba4 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_trail.s
[generic] 7507 27244 27.6% -lh5- 4a25 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_view.c
[generic] 10990 24440 45.0% -lh5- 15c3 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_view.o
[generic] 11624 51414 22.6% -lh5- 5a3f Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_view.s
[generic] 6809 35717 19.1% -lh5- 118b Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_weapon.c
[generic] 12858 31844 40.4% -lh5- b5b7 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_weapon.o
[generic] 15039 74595 20.2% -lh5- 02fb Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/p_weapon.s
[generic] 6417 24863 25.8% -lh5- 5e08 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/q_shared.c
[generic] 9666 27714 34.9% -lh5- 82b7 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/q_shared.h
[generic] 6927 14496 47.8% -lh5- 83fa Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/q_shared.o
[generic] 8712 37243 23.4% -lh5- 18c3 Dec 13 2002 FaithSrc/q_shared.s
[generic] 1155 2496 46.3% -lh5- 36f5 Dec 13 2002 readme.first
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 189 files 1167574 3644406 32.0% Dec 15 2002
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