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Short:Weird Tunnel Racer shooter
Author:Trevor Spiteri / ToAks
Uploader:tony aksnes broadpark no (Tony Aksnes)
Requires:OS4 PRE 3 or better
Download:game/shoot/Tunnel_OS4.lha - View contents

Tunnel OS4:

Quick port of Tunnel , a bizarre shooter thingy inside a tunnel.

Thanks to Thunda-OS4 on #Amigaworld irc for testing.

orginal manual.txt follows.

 Tunnel Manual

Table of Contents

     * Introduction
     * Keys
     * Balls
     * Command line options
     * The options files
     * Mailing list


   Tunnel  is  a game in which you control a capsule going down a tunnel.
   In  the process you should pick up power-ups and avoid collisions with
   enemy balls coming your way.

   Tunnel is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are
   welcome  to  redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public
   License, Version 2 or any later version published by the Free Software
   Foundation. A copy of this licence is included in gpl.txt.

   During  the  game,  you  can  fire  at  other  balls.  They break into
   fragments which can damage your capsule, so beware.

   If  the  game  is  too  slow  on  your  computer,  try  using  a lower
   resolution,  either  using  command  line  options or by modifying the
   options files.

   [Back to top]


   On  starting  the  game,  a splash screen appears. Here, the following
   keys can be used.

   Enter  Start a new game.
   Escape Quit.
   Up     Increase gamma.
   Down   Decrease gamma.
   Left   Windowed mode (if supported).
   Right  Full screen mode (if supported).

   It is also possible to use the mouse.

   Left-click  Start a new game.
   Scroll up   Increase gamma.
   Scroll down Decrease gamma.

   Once a game is started, the following keys can be used. Note that some
   actions  are  provided  by  more than one key to support easy handling
   using  various  keyboards.  For  acceleration,  deceleration, changing
   weapon  and  firing, you should use your left hand and the keys at the
   lower left hand corner of the keyboard.

   Up                              Move ball up.
   Down                            Move ball down.
   Left                            Move ball left.
   Right                           Move ball right.
   S or O                          Accelerate downwards.
   X or Q                          Decelerate downwards.
   Z or ; or W or Y                Change weapon.
   C or J                          Fire.
   Enter or Escape or Tab or Space Pause.

   It is also possible to use the mouse.

   Mouse motion Move ball.
   Left-click   Fire.
   Right-click  Change weapon.
   Middle-click Pause.
   Scroll up    Accelerate downwards.
   Scroll down  Decelerate downwards.

   The  mouse and keyboard can be used simultaneously, so it is possible,
   for  example,  to  move  the  ball  with  the  mouse and fire with the

   When paused, the following keys can be used.

   Enter  Resume game.
   Escape Quit game.

   The mouse can be used as well.

   Left-click  Resume game.
   Right-click Quit game.

   [Back to top]


  The capsule

   Magenta ball
   This is the ball you control.


    Normal weapon

   Green ball
   This  gives  you  a  normal weapon and some ammo, although this weapon
   itself needs no ammo. Fires regular bullets.

    Strong weapon

   Bluish green ball
   Gives  you  a strong weapon and some ammo. Fires stronger bullets than
   the normal weapon and needs ammo.

    Fast weapon

   Green ball with three mini-balls
   Gives you a fast weapon and ammo. Fires regular bullets at a fast rate
   and needs ammo.

    Strong fast weapon

   Bluish green ball with three mini-balls
   Gives  you  a  strong  fast weapon and ammo. Fires strong bullets at a
   fast rate and needs ammo.


   Red ball with cross
   This increases your strength.


   Blue ball with shield
   This increases your shield.

  Enemy balls


   Brown ball
   This is the easiest to crush.


   Cyan ball
   Stronger than the tickler.


   Yellow ball
   Strong as the punch, but faster.


   Red ball
   Changes direction haphazardly.


   Blue ball
   Goes around the tunnel side.

  Enemy throwers

    Tickler thrower

   Brown ball with stripe
   Throws out ticklers.

    Punch thrower

   Cyan ball with stripe
   Throws out punches.

    Speedy thrower

   Yellow ball with stripe
   Throws out speedies.

    Crazy thrower

   Red ball with stripe
   Throws out crazies.

    Crawler thrower

   Blue ball with stripe
   Throws out crawlers and speedies.


   Multi colored ball
   Throws out ticklers, punches, speedies, crazies and crawlers.

   [Back to top]

Command line options

   The following command line options can be given to Tunnel.

   --width, -w WIDTH   width of screen or window
   --height, -h HEIGHT height of screen or window
   --depth, -d DEPTH   depth in bits per pixel
   --gamma, -g GAMMA   gamma
   --fullscreen COND   use full screen if COND is true
   --frequency FREQ    audio frequency in Hz
   --file, -f FILE     load extra options from FILE
   --help, -?          print help message and exit
   --version, -v       print the version of Tunnel and exit

   You  can specify long option names with a single -; for example, -help
   as well as --help.

   [Back to top]

The options files

   If  the  command  line  options are not enough for you, or you want to
   tweak  the  game's feel, you can modify the options files. These files
   are in the subdirectory data of your installation directory.

   The  file  named  options  contains  general  options like resolution,
   gamma,  full  screen,  audio frequency and key bindings. The ball_info
   file contains information, such as strength and maximum speed, for all
   balls. The level file contains information on different levels.

   These files should be easy to edit once you get to them.

   If  you  do  not  want to change these default files, you can create a
   file  anywhere  and use the --file FILE command line option. To start,
   you  should  copy the file options and modify that. You can remove any
   fields you like, as the file options is still read before your file.

   To  change  the ball_info file, copy it and then modify it. This time,
   do  NOT remove fields you do not change, as only one ball_info file is
   used.  After  your  changes,  modify  your  options  file  so that the
   ball_data  field in the game record points to your new file. The level
   file can be modified in a similar manner.

   [Back to top]

Mailing list

   If you require further help, or wish to comment on the game, send mail
   to the tunnel mailing list at:

   [Back to top]

   Copyright (C) 2004,  Trevor  Spiteri.  Permission  is granted to copy,
   distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free
   Documentation  Licence,  Version 1.1 or any later version published by
   the  Free  Software  Foundation;  with  no Invariant Sections, with no
   Front-Cover  Texts,  and  with  no  Back-Cover  Texts.  A copy of this
   licence is included in fdl.txt.

   Send comments on this page to

Contents of game/shoot/Tunnel_OS4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 6541   18109  36.1% -lh5- f980 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/doc/fdl.txt
[generic]                 7015   18009  39.0% -lh5- e98e Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/doc/gpl.txt
[generic]                 2642    7446  35.5% -lh5- cc88 Mar 16  2004 Tunnel_OS4/manual.txt
[generic]                 1847    2060  89.7% -lh5- f398 Nov 25 09:18 Tunnel_OS4/
[generic]                 8615    9382  91.8% -lh5- 0d18 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/crawler.wav
[generic]                11638   13642  85.3% -lh5- 0c1d Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/crazy.wav
[generic]                 9864   11824  83.4% -lh5- 3a05 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/def_weapon.wav
[generic]                  147     483  30.4% -lh5- 67fd Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/index
[generic]                 6138    7046  87.1% -lh5- 714e Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/pickup.wav
[generic]                 4730    5150  91.8% -lh5- 6063 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/punch.wav
[generic]                27499   30516  90.1% -lh5- 01d7 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/ship.wav
[generic]                 6637    7448  89.1% -lh5- 0a0c Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/speedy.wav
[generic]                10402   11268  92.3% -lh5- 1e7e Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/thrower.wav
[generic]                 3100    3282  94.5% -lh5- 5147 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/sounds/tickler.wav
[generic]               722579 1793900  40.3% -lh5- 9f56 Nov 25 09:50 Tunnel_OS4/TunnelOS4.exe
[generic]                11642   12566  92.6% -lh5- 76df Nov 25 09:18 Tunnel_OS4/
[generic]                 3493   12943  27.0% -lh5- 6c24 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/doc/manual.html
[generic]                  389    1101  35.3% -lh5- f2d9 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/all.scm
[generic]                 2841   24622  11.5% -lh5- 6717 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/balls.scm
[generic]                  669    4037  16.6% -lh5- 4560 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/frame.scm
[generic]                  436    1698  25.7% -lh5- 5360 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/game_index
[generic]                  658    2155  30.5% -lh5- 47f4 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/lines.scm
[generic]                  294     294 100.0% -lh0- 0484 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number9.png
[generic]                  123     163  75.5% -lh5- e72e Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/
[generic]                  784     784 100.0% -lh0- 922d Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/score.png
[generic]                 1140    4620  24.7% -lh5- 275a Mar 16  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/screens.scm
[generic]                  702     702 100.0% -lh0- d9ff Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/shield.png
[generic]                 1029    1029 100.0% -lh0- 3a82 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/strength.png
[generic]                  856    3487  24.5% -lh5- e294 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/text.scm
[generic]                  502     502 100.0% -lh0- 8465 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/time.png
[generic]                  895     895 100.0% -lh0- cbcb Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/velocity.png
[generic]                  642     642 100.0% -lh0- 0c73 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/ammo.png
[generic]                  611     611 100.0% -lh0- 1f93 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/depth.png
[generic]                  265     265 100.0% -lh0- bcd5 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number0.png
[generic]                  182     182 100.0% -lh0- d6d4 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number1.png
[generic]                  287     287 100.0% -lh0- 4531 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number2.png
[generic]                  275     275 100.0% -lh0- 6d1e Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number3.png
[generic]                  238     238 100.0% -lh0- 60d3 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number4.png
[generic]                  265     265 100.0% -lh0- 0eac Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number5.png
[generic]                  285     285 100.0% -lh0- 002f Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number6.png
[generic]                  254     254 100.0% -lh0- 5352 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number7.png
[generic]                  303     303 100.0% -lh0- 5e64 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/number8.png
[generic]                 2811    4402  63.9% -lh5- 16de Mar 16  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/paused.png
[generic]                44334   44334 100.0% -lh0- 3e87 Mar 16  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/splash.png
[generic]                 3214    4815  66.7% -lh5- c91a Mar 16  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/wait.png
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[generic]                   83      83 100.0% -lh0- db9c Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/dial.png
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[generic]                  114     114 100.0% -lh0- 688d Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/frame_c.png
[generic]                   95      95 100.0% -lh0- 6eab Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/frame_h.png
[generic]                  114     114 100.0% -lh0- 3660 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/frame_l.png
[generic]                  116     116 100.0% -lh0- b85f Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/frame_r.png
[generic]                  106     106 100.0% -lh0- fe2b Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/frame_t.png
[generic]                  102     102 100.0% -lh0- c885 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/frame_tl.png
[generic]                  105     105 100.0% -lh0- 675e Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/frame_tr.png
[generic]                  102     102 100.0% -lh0- caa0 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/frame_v.png
[generic]                  572     572 100.0% -lh0- 6863 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/tunnel_gradient.png
[generic]                 2430    2430 100.0% -lh0- 8d8c Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/speedy_frag.png
[generic]                 4985    4985 100.0% -lh0- 60b8 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/speedy_thrower.png
[generic]                 2855    2855 100.0% -lh0- 57bb Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/strength_pickup.png
[generic]                 1732    1732 100.0% -lh0- ce50 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/strong_bullet.png
[generic]                 4157    4157 100.0% -lh0- 9542 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/strong_fast_weapon.png
[generic]                 3784    3784 100.0% -lh0- 0d81 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/strong_fast_weap_pickup.png
[generic]                 3548    3552  99.9% -lh5- 59fc Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/strong_weapon.png
[generic]                 3176    3176 100.0% -lh0- 69e7 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/strong_weap_pickup.png
[generic]                 3009    3009 100.0% -lh0- eb42 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/tickler.png
[generic]                 2394    2394 100.0% -lh0- 7ace Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/tickler_frag.png
[generic]                 6350    6350 100.0% -lh0- 658d Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/tickler_thrower.png
[generic]                 2607    2607 100.0% -lh0- 24d4 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/weap_pickup.png
[generic]                 3428    3432  99.9% -lh5- 141b Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/fast_weapon.png
[generic]                  647     647 100.0% -lh0- e801 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/icon16.png
[generic]                  950     950 100.0% -lh0- 5713 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/icon32.png
[generic]                 1461    1461 100.0% -lh0- 382d Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/icon48.png
[generic]                 2133    2133 100.0% -lh0- 7671 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/icon64.png
[generic]                 6015    6015 100.0% -lh0- 42e9 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/multics.png
[generic]                 1742    1742 100.0% -lh0- a8fa Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/normal_bullet.png
[generic]                 2904    2904 100.0% -lh0- 7b45 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/punch.png
[generic]                 2634    2634 100.0% -lh0- f2aa Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/punch_frag.png
[generic]                 6479    6479 100.0% -lh0- 2eb8 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/punch_thrower.png
[generic]                 2846    2846 100.0% -lh0- 3a16 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/shield_pickup.png
[generic]                 3304    3304 100.0% -lh0- ab71 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/ship.png
[generic]                 2428    2428 100.0% -lh0- 5c94 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/ship_frag.png
[generic]                 2367    2367 100.0% -lh0- d6cb Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/speedy.png
[generic]                  825    5893  14.0% -lh5- e2b9 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/data/ball_info
[generic]                  561    4583  12.2% -lh5- 0890 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/data/level
[generic]                 1059    2198  48.2% -lh5- e1c4 Nov 25 09:11 Tunnel_OS4/data/options
[generic]                 1064    2210  48.1% -lh5- 6c86 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/data/
[generic]                 2912    2912 100.0% -lh0- 1220 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/crawler.png
[generic]                 3975    3975 100.0% -lh0- 154d Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/crawler_frag.png
[generic]                 6575    6575 100.0% -lh0- 5c79 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/crawler_thrower.png
[generic]                 2275    2275 100.0% -lh0- d439 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/crazy.png
[generic]                 3442    3442 100.0% -lh0- a4de Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/crazy_frag.png
[generic]                 4850    4850 100.0% -lh0- dd96 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/crazy_thrower.png
[generic]                 2763    2763 100.0% -lh0- ceb5 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/def_weapon.png
[generic]                 3181    3181 100.0% -lh0- 94d4 Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/fast_weap_pickup.png
[generic]                  650    2151  30.2% -lh5- 976b Mar 10  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/
[generic]                 2912    8719  33.4% -lh5- da3f Mar 23  2004 Tunnel_OS4/images/
[generic]                11699   12585  93.0% -lh5- a1ef Nov 25 09:18
[generic]                   35      35 100.0% -lh0- 312c Mar 16  2004 Tunnel_OS4/AUTHORS
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/ChangeLog
[generic]                 7015   18009  39.0% -lh5- e98e Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/COPYING
[generic]                 3032    7831  38.7% -lh5- 15e0 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/INSTALL
[generic]                  749    1567  47.8% -lh5- 5c5a Mar 16  2004 Tunnel_OS4/NEWS
[generic]                  806    1569  51.4% -lh5- f2b4 Mar 16  2004 Tunnel_OS4/README
[generic]                   34      34 100.0% -lh0- 6498 Mar 12  2004 Tunnel_OS4/TODO
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       107 files 1052527 2247986  46.8%            Nov 25 14:53
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