A very old game. Its been laying around on my hard drive for years so
I thought I might as well stick it on AMINET.
It can be quite enjoyable with a few players.
Supports 4 player joystick adapter.
It will seem VERY confusing at first so you'll need to get used to it.
Basically just shoot everyone. Computer controlled players ain't bad
Take a look at my web page, theirs LOADS of better games on it!
E-mail me at: malcolm.murray@virgin.net
or : pmymagm@pmn1.maths.nott.ac.uk
Lots more stuff at my Web Page: http://freespace.virgin.net/malcolm.murray/
To Install it. Simply stick EVERYTHING into one directory.
System Requirements and other details
1/2 meg chip. 1/2 meg fast probably.
I don't know to be honest....