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p r e s e n t s
The Amiga 500 brought the world of assembly programming to European teenagers
who really should have stuck to playing games, and hence was born the
(incompatible) [mega]demo.
DPaint brought the power of graphics to programmers who really shouldn't draw.
ProTracker brought the power of the sound sameple to programmers who
unfortunately fancied themselves musicians and hence was born: the techno mod.
And now, PWS proudly presents....
APercKey brings the power of the drumkit to programmers (and lamerz alike).
After installation, your entire keypad will be turned into a virtual drumkit.
Just turn the volume up to 11 on your amp and load your CD player with some
recommended listening material, and let your "Fingers Do The Drumming" (TM)
Contents of mus/misc/APercKey.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 269 1016 26.5% -lh5- 3217 Sep 30 1993 APercKey.info
[generic] 49359 51868 95.2% -lh5- 48ee Aug 29 1993 APercKey/Aperckey
[generic] 1245 4602 27.1% -lh5- 65ca Sep 30 1993 APercKey/Aperckey.info
[generic] 150 390 38.5% -lh5- 71dc Aug 29 1993 APercKey/samples
[generic] 168 262 64.1% -lh5- efc5 Sep 30 1993 freegift.readme!
[generic] 1647 5170 31.9% -lh5- 7532 Sep 30 1993 FREEGIFT.README!.info
[generic] 267 1016 26.3% -lh5- 4627 Sep 30 1993 PWSInfo.info
[generic] 5101 5248 97.2% -lh5- 72a3 Aug 17 1993 PWSInfo/PWSInfo
[generic] 2321 4656 49.8% -lh5- f1de Aug 17 1993 PWSInfo/PWSInfo.guide
[generic] 755 5142 14.7% -lh5- 4eac Sep 30 1993 PWSInfo/PWSInfo.guide.info
[generic] 1196 3962 30.2% -lh5- 8fa2 Sep 30 1993 PWSInfo/PWSInfo.info
[generic] 96 434 22.1% -lh5- 4a36 Sep 30 1993 fixcolours
[generic] 1000 3231 31.0% -lh5- a6d5 Sep 30 1993 fixcolours.info
[generic] 794 5179 15.3% -lh5- a98c Sep 30 1993 APercKey/aperckey.guide.info
[generic] 5085 11151 45.6% -lh5- 0d6d Sep 30 1993 APercKey/aperckey.guide
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 69453 103327 67.2% Oct 3 1993
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