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mus/misc/FG-MP3Tagger.lha |
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1) Introduction
MP3Tagger is a small program to edit the information found inside
MP3 Audio files.
This is version 1.3, compiled at 18 July 1998.
2) Features
* Written in 100% 680x0 assembler.
* Completely controllable through the GUI.
* Does NOT use MUI (Magic User Interface).
* Allows reading, editing, writing and erasing of MP3 Tags.
* Complete font-sensitive GUI
* No CLI interaction needed at all (but is supported).
* Up-to-date list of MP3 Genres.
3) History
v1.0, 05 May 1998: - first finished version
v1.1, 19 May 1998: - Bugfix: When loading an MP3 without tag, the text
entryfields weren't cleared
- Bugfix: When loading a TAG from a CD, a Write Protection
error was displayed.
- Bugfix: Fields are now completely filled with spaces upon entering.
This prevents writing tags with some undefined bytes at the
- Bugfix: The menu handling was improved quite a lot.
- Added : More MP3Genre values
- Added : Slider gadget for easier Genre selection
- Added : Titlebar-font sensitivity
v1.2, 23 May 1998: - Bugfix: Error in gadget handling
- Bugfix: When no TAG is present, the slider gadget was set
to the wrong position.
- Added : Listviewgadget for easier Genre selection
- Added : Error messages when something goes wrong :)
- Added : Erasure of tags
- Added : Font sensitivity to GUI
- Added : Tooltype 'MP3DIR' to specify default search directory
- Added : When you press enter in one of the string gadgets,
the next one gets activated.
- First public release
v1.3, 02 July 1998: - Bugfix: The last digit of every stringgadget got lost.
- Bugfix: Fixed an enforcer hit
- Added : Registration facilities
- Added : Hotkey support
- Added : Ending-space removal
- Added : Usage of MPEGA.LIBRARY (MP3 Validity, info)
- Added : Preferences
- Added : CLI Argument support
- Second public release
4) Who are Faeries Geneses ?
Faeries Geneses is a software development team who want to create high-
quality freeware products for the Amiga. Our team currently consists of
three members: Tim Jacobs, Korneel Ketelslegers and Tobias Schächtelin.
You can contact Faeries Geneses at : faeries@gmx.net
Other projects currently in development:
* conversion.library (99,9% finished)
Easier converting of numbers from ascii <-> hex, dec, oct, bin
for asm and c programmers.
* PSX\miga (50% finished)
Sony Playstation development package for the Amiga. Includes R3000A assembler,
conversion tools and programmer's docs.
* Mogaira (30% finished)
Converts autodocs to amigaguide files, .i includes to .h includes, fd files
to pragma & protos files.
* ww_Addnote (50% finished)
Adds footnotes to WordWorth documents faster and more confortable.
Contents of mus/misc/FG-MP3Tagger.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1924 2884 66.7% -lh5- 4759 Jul 18 1998 MP3Tagger.info
[generic] 1498 3716 40.3% -lh5- 9e8f Jul 18 1998 MP3Tagger.readme
[generic] 1108 2243 49.4% -lh5- 4882 Jul 18 1998 MP3Tagger/Docs.info
[generic] 13004 39669 32.8% -lh5- aa3a Jul 18 1998 MP3Tagger/Docs/MP3Tagger.guide
[generic] 2320 3170 73.2% -lh5- b4c4 Jul 18 1998 MP3Tagger/Docs/MP3Tagger.guide.info
[generic] 10556 24256 43.5% -lh5- 4165 Jul 18 1998 MP3Tagger/MP3Tagger
[generic] 3742 5235 71.5% -lh5- 7303 Jul 18 1998 MP3Tagger/MP3Tagger.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 34152 81173 42.1% Sep 3 1998
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