84782 packages online
mus/misc/FilterSound.lha |
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This is a simple filter for 8-bit sounds.
You specify A and B parameter values for it (A values for the non-recursive bit,
and B values for the recursive bit)
FilterSound sound_file number_of_A number_of_B A1 A2 ... An B1 B2 ... Bm
number_of_A is the number of A coefficients
number_of_B is the number of B coefficients
Ax and Bx are the actual coefficients.
(16.16 fixed point arithmetic is used for the calculations)
This then implements the following IIR (or FIR filter if you set number_of_B to
0) filter:
y[t] = Sum{a[1]*x[t]+a[2]*x[t-1]+..+a[n]*x[t-(n-1)]}
If you can calculate what values to use .. you can do whatever you want with dis
filter :)
Calculating which values to use, however, is another matter altogether :)
Other neat stuff by me:
/dev/basic/bgp.lha - Blitz Genetic-Programming Environment
/dev/basic/gasp.lha - Genetic Algorithm Sample Packer in Blitz
/dev/misc/SimpTrans.lha - Simple Automatic Translation of .ct files!
/dev/misc/ST_uk2gr.lha - Uk2Gr phrasebook for SimpTrans
/dev/misc/YAAV.lha - YAAV V0.99 - Yet Another Autodoc Viewer
/dev/misc/Uk2GrCorpus.lha - A compact english-greek parallel aligned linguistic corpus
/game/shoot/allrox.lha - HardCore FRENETIC shootem'up - HARD! FAST! OUCH!
/game/actio/wreckage.lha - Experimental Driving Sim
/game/actio/wreckage_src.lha - Source for driving sim (older version :)
/gfx/show/gsaview.la - GsAView - View ghostscript output with anti-aliasing
/util/pack/agf.lha - AGF V0.9 n*8-bit Sample Pre-Packing Processor
Olethros/DC, Jan 2000
============================= Archive contents =============================
LhA Freeware Version 2.1
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998,1999 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.
Listing of archive 'games:t/olethros/FilterSound.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
17004 9677 43.0% 09-Jan-00 02:05:16 +FilterSound
2578 1286 50.1% 09-Jan-00 02:22:12 FilterSound.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
19582 10963 44.0% 09-Jan-00 02:22:32 2 files
Operation successful.
Created Using CreateAminetReadMe by Lorens Johansson.
Contents of mus/misc/FilterSound.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 9677 17004 56.9% -lh5- b11b Jan 9 2000 bin/FilterSound
[generic] 1286 2578 49.9% -lh5- 4c4a Jan 9 2000 FilterSound.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 10963 19582 56.0% Jan 10 2000
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