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mus/misc/MergeAIFF.lha |
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** MergeAIFF 1.0 Copyright © by Erik Spåre 1998 **
** (Parsec/Phuture 303) **
This simple program will let you join 2 or more (maximum 20) AIFF
(Audio IFF) files into one single file.
A friend recently lent me his CD-ROM and I started to sample my
favourite cd's, to have them mp3-packed. But I encountered
problems... When I started to transfer the songs (using OptyCDPlayer)
the operation would be aborted for no apparent reason, after 1-10
seconds. I found that this did not happen when I saved to the ramdisk.
But the tune I was trying to save was 170MB, and I only have 32MB of
I couldn't seem to find a program on Aminet that joined AIFF files,
only one called Join8SVX. I was forced to write my own...
MergeAIFF <sourcefiles separated by spaces> AS <output file>
For example, if you save a tune in 2 parts, with the beginning in
orb1.aiff and the end in orb2.aiff, you could write:
MergeAIFF dh0:orb1.aiff ram:orb2.aiff AS dh0:orb.aiff
I'm not sure what version/s of the OS IFFParse library requires.
250kb will be allocated for a transfer buffer, but if that fails
half of that sum will be allocated. If that also fails, half of that
sum etc. The smallest allowed buffer is 32kb.
The only chunks that are recognized and copied are COMM (which
contains info about the sound) and SSND (containing the sound
itself). Any other chunk will be disregarded (I'm not sure there
are any, I just wrote this program to suit _my_ needs).
The two fields "offset" and "blocksize" in the SSND chunk must be
zero. Reading IFF specs are very boring, so I skipped these two
when 1: I noticed that Opty did not us them, and 2: I read that they
are rarely used. If one of your sourcefiles would happen to use
these fields, this program will refuse to merge them.
* To make up for above mentioned limitations you'll find the sourcecode
(in C) included. If you make any improvements then please contact me
so that we can use them in the next release.
* It is free.
* If your computer tend to crash when you're saving a large song to
your hd, you can save via the RAM-disk and then use this program.
Healthier for the drive...
Contents of mus/misc/MergeAIFF.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 10158 19620 51.8% -lh5- 47f0 Jan 9 1998 MergeAIFF/MergeAIFF
[generic] 4270 13874 30.8% -lh5- 4e6d Jan 9 1998 MergeAIFF/MergeAIFF.cpp
[generic] 1530 3014 50.8% -lh5- 5617 Jan 9 1998 MergeAIFF/MergeAIFF10.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 15958 36508 43.7% Jan 8 1998
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