PlayHD v1.1029, October 1998
Davy Wentzler
This is an update of version 1.0907 that was uploaded in the
biz/demo directory. It contains several enhancements and bugfixes.
PlayHD is a 16-bit audio harddisk-recording package, based on the AHI-system
by Martin Blom. With PlayHD, you can do multitracking: play a number of
samples directly from harddisk and simultaneously record another (stereo) track.
Thanks to AHI, an increasing number of samplers/soundcards can be used with
PlayHD without re-writing a single bit of code. Even the Amiga's own Paula chip
can be used to play samples in a special 14-bit calibrated mode.
- This version can now play up to a maximum of 20 samples at a time.
The amount of samples you can actually play depends on:
* Processor power: since all the mixing is done by the processor,
more channels can be mixed at higher frequencies on faster
* Speed of your harddisk and harddisk-controller. SCSI is
* Samplerate: the higher, the better quality, but more data has
to be processed and loaded from the harddisk per second.
* The AHI-mode you have selected. Is it a stereo mode, stereo++
mode with panning, fast mode etcetera?
* The kind of sampler used. Samplers that have their own sample
buffers are heavily recommended.
- A mixing desk provides you with realtime control over volume, panning
and mute per channel. A master volume slider and a stereo master-
volume indicator are present too.
- Full mixer-automation based on event-list: channel faders, panning,
mutes and master volume can be automated.
- Full duplex playback and record: if your soundcard allows it, you can
playback samples while recording.
- Sample-editing with the usual features like cut,paste,copy,erase
range. Direct to disk, not limited by memory.
- Effects like Delay, Noise Gate, Chorus, Comp/Limiter, Amplifier,
Frequency filters and FIR-filters can be applied.
- MIDI synchronisation: by sending a MIDI start-command and a
Song Position Pointer, you can synchronize audio with an external
MIDI sequencer. You can also receive MIDI start-commands.
- Supports mono and stereo 16-bit AIFF-samples.
- Possibility to do HiFi non-realtime mixing to a new AIFF-file,
thanks to AHI.
- A Time Line Display provides you with an overview of the loaded
samples and their durations. Samples can be moved along the timeline.
- A Locator window enables you to set 4 cue-points.
- A time-slider in the Tape Deck window allows for fast locating in
the recording.
- etc..
If you have any questions, suggestions, criticism or wish to have the
full version, feel free to contact me at the following address:
e-mail: or
snail-mail: Davy Wentzler
Raadhuisplein 13-C
3901 GA Veenendaal
The Netherlands