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mus/misc/mpeginoutPPC.lha |
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MPEG/audio Layer 1 and Layer 2 encoding/decoding reference package.
Some of the source files do state, that this "MPEG/audio coding/decoding
software" is "NOT for public distribution until verified and approved by the
MPEG/audio committee" but "release.txt" is newer than these (1/Sep/93) and
does state, that "Managers of public access FTP sites are encouraged to make
this software available on their sites". So we did.
PPC binaries are called "musicin.elf" and "musicout.elf" and useable
from Shell when being used with ppc.library V46+
Please see the various README files on how to utilize the programs for
conversion of IFF-AIFF and so on.
No changes for the PPC port other than of adding smakefile/SCOPTIONS
plus this .readme file.
ARK, 27/Aug/98
In the past, some guy called "SPH" took most of my free PPC ports
(those where the sources have been included) and ported them to WOS.
While I've nothing against WOS ports, an other point is very distasteful
and unfair in my opinion: removing all references to my name and initials
and simply replacing those with his own, while also removing all references
to PPC-Lib/ELF and replacing those with WOS references and usually some flames
or even offenses against the competing kernel and porter - without actually
rewriting the readme text itself in a major way (for example, if I describe what
*I* specifically did for the port - and what he didn't have to do a *second* time,
of course - he does not even remove/change *those* notes and/or give me credit).
This leads to the strange situation, that I hereby have to copyright this
.readme text, to claim its authorship and forbid changes which aren't
clearly marked as being changes to the original: While quotes may have
been derived from other parts of the distribution, the whole .readme as
such now is (C)opyrighted by Andreas R. Kleinert in 1998.
Copyrights to the other files remain as such. Nevertheless I'd ask anyone
to give me credit for the changes which I did myself and which of
course have been labeled/marked/documented as such. Even free software
lives from respecting the intellectual work and property of others. Thank you.
Contents of mus/misc/mpeginoutPPC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 12389 47634 26.0% -lh5- 42bb May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/common.c
[generic] 4347 17382 25.0% -lh5- 1ff4 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/common.h
[generic] 5987 24383 24.6% -lh5- 8413 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/decode.c
[generic] 1761 7227 24.4% -lh5- cb45 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/decoder.h
[generic] 12838 52658 24.4% -lh5- 8e69 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/encode.c
[generic] 3052 14667 20.8% -lh5- 95b3 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/encoder.h
[generic] 4153 11498 36.1% -lh5- ddc4 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/fixes.txt
[generic] 133 301 44.2% -lh5- ea9d May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/Makefile
[generic] 10272 38382 26.8% -lh5- e9da May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/musicin.c
[generic] 5122 18234 28.1% -lh5- 8e74 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/musicout.c
[generic] 5359 18753 28.6% -lh5- a442 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/psy.c
[generic] 431 724 59.5% -lh5- 2bf6 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/README.crh
[generic] 3180 6863 46.3% -lh5- 5087 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/readme.txt
[generic] 5488 12297 44.6% -lh5- d823 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/release.txt
[generic] 145 219 66.2% -lh5- 2cf6 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/SCOPTIONS
[generic] 173 384 45.1% -lh5- 774c May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/smakefile
[generic] 1896 6372 29.8% -lh5- 5547 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/subs.c
[generic] 79 140 56.4% -lh5- eb72 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/1cb0
[generic] 81 145 55.9% -lh5- 4339 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/1cb1
[generic] 77 137 56.2% -lh5- 9c61 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/1cb2
[generic] 943 1984 47.5% -lh5- 2b7d May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/1th0
[generic] 905 1902 47.6% -lh5- 94fb May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/1th1
[generic] 905 1902 47.6% -lh5- 94fb May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/1th2
[generic] 87 159 54.7% -lh5- cf25 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/2cb0
[generic] 86 157 54.8% -lh5- 4911 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/2cb1
[generic] 83 149 55.7% -lh5- b5a9 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/2cb2
[generic] 1171 2453 47.7% -lh5- e24a May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/2th0
[generic] 1133 2375 47.7% -lh5- 0ffe May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/2th1
[generic] 1202 2476 48.5% -lh5- 4da8 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/2th2
[generic] 807 5296 15.2% -lh5- 77fe May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/absthr_0
[generic] 725 6129 11.8% -lh5- 22dd May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/absthr_1
[generic] 697 6285 11.1% -lh5- 92e3 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/absthr_2
[generic] 815 4234 19.2% -lh5- 63b4 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/alloc_0
[generic] 846 4408 19.2% -lh5- d7f8 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/alloc_1
[generic] 258 1094 23.6% -lh5- 5ef5 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/alloc_2
[generic] 335 1519 22.1% -lh5- f950 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/alloc_3
[generic] 3498 10621 32.9% -lh5- 14b9 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/dewindow
[generic] 3244 10621 30.5% -lh5- c83a May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tables/enwindow
[generic] 10435 37453 27.9% -lh5- 07e2 May 7 1998 mpeginoutPPC/tonal.c
[generic] 1256 2721 46.2% -lh5- 01e0 Aug 27 1998 mpeginoutPPC/mpeginoutPPC.readme
[generic] 67617 148333 45.6% -lh5- 4f21 Aug 27 1998 mpeginoutPPC/musicin.elf
[generic] 42844 92075 46.5% -lh5- a36f Aug 27 1998 mpeginoutPPC/musicout.elf
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 42 files 216855 622746 34.8% Aug 29 1998
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