This is a "Windows Style" boot screen. Rather than use the Windows
Logo, it uses the brand new OS 3.1 logo (the green, red, blue, yellow,
and purple stripes of oil paint--on the front of the OS 3.1 boxes).
It is in 16 colors and can be displayed on any Amiga.
Amiga/// Joshua B. Wingell \ A2000/030/882/33MHz/7MB *AmigaOS v3.1*
2000/// \ A2091 & 340MB & 52MB HDs & SONY CD-ROM
\\\/// PGP Public Key Available \ GVP ioExtender/SupraFAX Modem V.32bis
\XX/ My other computer is an Amiga \ CSA Derringer 030/882/33MHz/4MB