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util/boot/ObtainBtrPens.lha |
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ObtainBetterPens version 0.3
Requires AmigaDOS 3.0 (V39) to actually do anything
Copyright © 1995-1996 Ultima Thule Software, All Rights Reserved.
Author: Petter Nilsen
This software entitled "ObtainBetterPens" is not public domain but
freely distributable (FreeWare). This means that you can copy it and
give it to all your friends, upload it to a BBS or include it in a
PD-library. The only restrictions are: All the files included in
this archive must be in their original form without additions,
deletions or modifications of any kind. "ObtainBetterPens" may not be
distributed for profit. Permission her hereby granted to include it
on CD-ROM compilations from Fred Fish and Aminet. Only a nominal
charge may be associated with its distribution. If you want to
distribute "ObtainBetterPens" with any commercial product, you will
need written permission from the author. "ObtainBetterPens" is
provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, and the author is not
responsible for any damage this software may do. (Just in case :-)
What is ObtainBetterPens ?
ObtainBetterPens is a small patch for the graphics.library function
ObtainBestPenA() that is used for allocating a pen. Usually,
datatypes.library is the most frequent user of this function.
ObtainBetterPens will make sure the highest possible percision is used
when allocating a pen (PERCISION_EXACT), so the result will look
better in most programs using datatypes.library. It is particulary
true for Multiview and on Workbench backdrops.
ObtainBetterPens was written after a discussion on the IRC channel
#amiga, where several people were whining about how "bad" datatypes
where. I made this for you, guys! :D
For best result, start ObtainBetterPens before IPrefs in your
startup-sequence. In this way, the color quality on the Workbench
backdrop will be higher. To run ObtainBetterPens, type this:
run <nil: >nil: ObtainBetterPens
The QUIT option will signal ObtainBetterPens to quit and try to remove
the patch if it is safe. If some other program hasn't patched the
same function, the patch will be removed. The same can be achieved by
sending a ctrl c (break) to the ObtainBetterPens prosess.
951113 - Initial release 0.1 of ObtainBetterPens.
951119 - Fixed a bug where empty taglists wouldn't be handled correctly
when passed to ObtainBestPenA(). Thanks to "danimal" on IRC
#amiga for enough info to fix this bug.
961101 - Fixed a problem that first showed up with IBrowse 1.02, causing
hangs. Seemed to be related to NULL taglists to ObtainBestPen().
Please send donations, bug reports or your sister to:
Petter Nilsen
Mellomveien 138
Email: pettern@icenet.no
IRC: Mitchman
Thanks to the folks on #amiga for giving be the idea to write this
patch :)
Contents of util/boot/ObtainBtrPens.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2252 3388 66.5% -lh5- b5d3 Nov 4 1996 ObtainBetterPens
[generic] 1597 3372 47.4% -lh5- a409 Nov 1 1996 ObtainBetterPens.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 3849 6760 56.9% Nov 8 1996
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