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Short: | Quick Search Aminet Index - Thor + CEd |
Author: | kenny bgnett.no |
Uploader: | kenny bgnett no <Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen> |
Type: | util/misc |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-08-08 |
Requires: | CygnusED and/or Thor |
Download: | util/misc/SAminet.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/misc/SAminet.readme |
Downloads: | 646 |
$VER: SAminet 1.0 (05.08.98)
Copyright (C) 1998 by Digital Surface/Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen.
All rights reserved.
This package contains two arexx script and one binary.
The arexx scripts are for Thor and CygnusED.
SAminet can search for a keyword or sentence in an Aminet INDEX file
(full index). The binary will output all lines containing the keyword
or sentence.
The two arexx scripts will use this output for more convinient reading.
- Start the script in the system you usually download files (or any
other system if you just want to get a list). Preferably you would
install it to a function key if you use it often.
- Type in a keyword or sentence in the string requester.
- After a while you will get a list in the message window with the
comment followed by two buttons to push, one for the archive and
the other for the readme file only. To download a file found in
the search simply press one of the buttons. The lines also contains
archive size and age in weeks. At the top is the total number of hits.
- This script works much in the same way. After starting the script
in CED you will get a string requester asking for a keyword/sentence.
- After a while the script will print the list formatted as in the Thor
scipt, from current cursor position. This allow you to easily include
lists in messages or textfiles.
- Optionally this script can copy its output to a Thor message window
if possible (see CONFIGURATION below).
Both scripts can be aborted in the keyword input phase by simply pressing
return. The Thor script allow you to push an abort button between each
major step.
The search is done in assembler code, the output is formatted with the
aid of arexx.
You can of course use the binary on its own or if you want to create
scripts for other editors etc.
SAminet <path/index> <keyword>
path/index is a path with filename on the Aminet index file you
want to use. The INDEX must be a FULL index file
(found in the Aminet root as INDEX or INDEX.Z).
keyword is the keyword you will search for. If you use spaces
then use quotes around the keyword/sentence.
To search for every file containing 'AIFF' in the filename or
description do this:
SAminet <path/index> "aiff" (the search is case-insensitive)
Or if you want to search every file that is 2 weeks old:
SAminet <path/index> " 2+"
From the scripts you simply type the keyword into the requester.
You may configure in the two arexx scripts the following settings:
- FTP site, defaults to WUSTL
- Path and filename for full INDEX file. You need to change this
- FTP site, defaults to WUSTL
- Path and filename for full INDEX file. You need to change this
- AllowThor, set a bool (0 or 1) to allow Thor output if Thor is
Copy the binary to C: - if you use another path then remember to
update the scripts as well.
Copy the Cygnus ED script to REXX:CED/ or just rexx:
Copy the Thor script to THOR:REXX/ or just rexx:
The supplied quick-install script will assume rexx:ced/ exist and
that Thor is properly installed in your system. No error checking.
This package is uploaded AS-IS. No support is planned. It's made
for private needs and of good will it's shared with you. Feel
free to comment it though.
Contents of util/misc/SAminet.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1115 2210 50.5% -lh5- 23f6 Aug 5 1998 SAminet.info
[generic] 1193 2520 47.3% -lh5- 6a16 Aug 5 1998 saminet/c/SAminet
[generic] 106 143 74.1% -lh5- 0754 Aug 5 1998 saminet/QuickInstall
[generic] 1761 3231 54.5% -lh5- 0308 Aug 5 1998 saminet/QuickInstall.info
[generic] 1077 2310 46.6% -lh5- 19bd Aug 5 1998 saminet/rexx/ced/SAminet.ced
[generic] 1713 3809 45.0% -lh5- af71 Aug 5 1998 saminet/SAminet.readme
[generic] 1058 2444 43.3% -lh5- c876 Aug 5 1998 saminet/thor/rexx/SAminet.thor
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 8023 16667 48.1% Aug 7 1998
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