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$VER: SuperModel 1.22 (09.06.98)
Copyright (C) 1998 by Digital Surface/Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen.
All rights reserved.
SuperModel is a patch for Studio 16 that patches some functions in the
gadlib.library and interface.library of the Studio 16 system. The purpose
is to enhance the look and feel of the GUI.
NOTE: SuperModel is a hack so don't blame it for not working on future
OS'es. Any bugs with current OS'es should be reported to author.
- New REQUESTERS. Forcing Studio 16 to use standard system
requesters instead (ASL).
- File requester (New in 1.2)
- Path requester (New in 1.2)
- Info requester (async/sync)
- Ask requester (async/sync)
- Thin lines on window top border, some boxes (such as in the
mixer), and other places (v1.0). Also a small speedup due to this
when updating windowborder/titlebar/windowgadgets.
How to install:
- Copy the file "SuperModel" to "C:"
- Edit your "s:user-startup" and add the following line:
run >nil: supermodel
That's it! If you want to quit SuperModel you can send a CTRL+C signal to
1.22 - Added patch for file requester to force Studio 16 to use ASL
requesters instead, both for files and paths. Some
optimizations done. Turned AskUser() async support (though I
doubt it is ever used as it returns a result, but to be on
the safe side..). Added new titletext (patching
1.1 - Added patches for requesters AskUser() and TellUser(). Uses
intuition/EasyRequest() instead.
1.0 - First public release. Bundled with mus/play/NewPlay.lha
Contents of util/misc/SuperModel.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 105 121 86.8% -lh5- 5009 Jun 8 1998 supermodel/Install
[generic] 180 259 69.5% -lh5- 9ea8 Jun 8 1998 supermodel/pics/Requesters.readme
[generic] 12087 62044 19.5% -lh5- 8d29 Jun 8 1998 supermodel/pics/S16_AskUser.iff
[generic] 12021 61668 19.5% -lh5- 0afe Jun 8 1998 supermodel/pics/S16_File.iff
[generic] 16669 72496 23.0% -lh5- 8f56 Jun 8 1998 supermodel/pics/S16_Path.iff
[generic] 2025 3372 60.1% -lh5- 4df7 Jun 8 1998 supermodel/SuperModel
[generic] 958 1803 53.1% -lh5- 91f1 Jun 9 1998 supermodel/SuperModel.readme
[generic] 1117 2210 50.5% -lh5- c65f Jun 8 1998 SuperModel.info
[generic] 475 1123 42.3% -lh5- 2843 Jun 8 1998 supermodel/Install.info
[generic] 910 1586 57.4% -lh5- a0a7 Jun 8 1998 supermodel/SuperModel.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 46547 206682 22.5% Jun 10 1998
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