Short:        060 Patches for UMult64/SMult64 V1.3
Author: (Didier Levet), (Dirk Busse)
Uploader:     dbusse metronet de (Dirk Busse)
Type:         util/boot
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

   This is a small patch which replace the UMult64
   and SMult64 functions of utility.library V39+.
   These new functions are 2 times faster than the
   ones placed by 68060.library, and 4 times faster
   than the Trap emulation.
   Well, these functions are not often used, so
   don't expect an incredible speedup :))
   You can run Mult64SpeedTest (included) to see the
   I just write them to learn how to optimize 68060's
   code (sources included). So don't blame me if you
   think that the speed gain is useless ;-)
   Now, you only have to copy PatchMult64 in your
   "C:" directory, and add "C:PatchMult64" in your 
   startup-sequence, right after Setpatch (or anywhere 
   else, but not before).
   PatchMult64 sets the return code as follow :
   - 0  : Patches succesfully installed.
   - 5  : Patches already installed
       or Patches installed, but you have only a 68040 (see comment to V1.2)
   - 10 : Unable to install the patches.

  That's all !

  With the program "Mult64SpeedTest" you could see the times of the
  functions currently used by your AMIGA.


   1.0 Original Version from Didier Levet

   1.1 - Source Code changed for using PhxAss (the best Assembler I know!)
       - Speed Improvement: UMult64 5.6% faster than V1.0
                            SMult64 3.6% faster than V1.0
       - Removed the check for a loaded 68060.library, the Patches needn't
         the 68060.library and the check for a 68060 CPU is sufficient.

   1.2 (The patches itself aren't changed. They are the same as V1.1. Only
       the installation routine is changed.)
       - Fixed the detection of the 68060 CPU (It was testing the wrong
       - Now it is possible to install the patch, without the 68060.library.
         So you could start PatchMult64 befor SetPatch (NOT recommend).
         (If you use the 68060.library V1.9 (05.09.96) from Ralph Babel, you
          have to dissable the 68060.library to use ReOrg 3.11 with large
          option files. Otherwise ReOrg crashes because a bug in Ralph
          Babels 68060.library.)
         Without a 68060.library the AMIGA thinks it has only a 68040 CPU.
         So if PatchMult64 finds only a 68040 CPU, it installs the Patches
         and quits with a return code of 5 (=warn).
         So now you could also install the patches on a 68040 AMIGA. BUT
         DON'T DO THAT. On a 68040 CPU the patches slows down the UMult64
         and SMult64 functions.
         PatchMult64 is still ONLY useful on a 68060 AMIGA.

   1.3 - Speeded up SMult64 2% if the result is negative.
         Thanks to dave <> for the hint.
       - Cleaned the code to be smaler.
       - Removed the old SpeedTest from the archive and included the new

    Dirk Busse