Short: Patch correcting procedures (de)allocating memory in Uploader: Marcin Kielesinski <misterq canpol pl> Architecture: m68k-amigaos exec.library Author: Marcin Kielesinski <> help - Przemyslaw Gruchala <> Damian Piotrowski <> Uploader: Marcin Kielesinski <> Version: 1.0 Type: util/boot Replaces: WWW: Short ------ MungMem is an replacement for MugmWall and AllocVec() function. How often makes you angry, when AmigaOS displays the guru "Corrunpt memory detected in FreeMem" or something like this? Well, Mugmem is the correct solution for you. It remembers all allocations, tht have been done since the system has been loaded (so it's reasonable to execute it as soon as possible) - so the amount of memory in D0 by using exec/FreeMem() is no longer needed, because MungMem accept the wrong address given by user or programmer while freeing memory up to +/- 28 bytes and makes 40 bytes "wall" in front and back from the memory block, protecting in some way allocated memory from "unusual accidents" of other programs. Changes in this release ------------------------ V1.0 - First public beta relase (it *may* contain bugs, however there were none noticed). Future ------------------------ Defragmentation of memory, running as resident. All sugestions are advisable. Usage ------------------------- Just type "MungMem >nil:" on the top of your "startup-sequence"...