Short:        'wip3out' style Rainboot 2 config.
Author: (Gareth "GazChap" Griffiths)
Uploader:     mail gazchap btinternet co uk (Gareth "GazChap" Griffiths)
Type:         util/boot
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

I just love the game wip3out (or wipEout 3) for the PlayStation, so I
decided to write a Rainboot 2 configuration in the style of it's menu
system. The font was designed by myself using Typeface, based on the
Designer's Republic font from the game.

It features a progress bar, complete run-down of most system essentials
(chip RAM, CPU etc.) and a real-time clock.

It is a rather cool looking boot up sequence even if I do say so myself!

If you like the style of this, visit (my homepage)
as it is styled in this way! The Designer's Republic are cool people, huh?
Check out their homepage:

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