Short:        Removes PCMCIA stuff from system.
Author:       Dave Jones (DJones@CardiffCyberCafe.Co.Uk)
Uploader:     Dave Jones (DJones CardiffCyberCafe Co Uk)
Type:         util/boot
Version:      1.2
Replaces:     util/boot/remcards.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

If  you don't have anything connected to this slot, then the card.resource will
still  install  two  interrupts, and a task, which watches the slot waiting for
you to shove something in it (oo-er) If you don't own any expansions, this code
is running for no reason..  true?  Well, now you can nuke those two interrupts,
and  the  task,  using RemCards, which will result in exec not having to manage
those idle tasks.  So in theory, multitasking is sped up (!)

This  was not my main reason for writing this hack, it was just because I hated
seeing card.resource on every list when I used ARTM, or Xoper, and decided that
it would like nicer without them ;^)