DarkSound.lha |
2.5 |
util/boot |
678 |
51K |
1996-10-18 |
V2.5 Changes Workbench Sounds each boot. - (readme) |
datatypes4442.lha |
44.42 |
util/boot |
1713 |
11K |
2000-09-02 |
AmigaOS 3.5 datatypes.library V44.42 - (readme) |
DateHunter.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
594 |
5K |
1996-07-15 |
Starts date prefs on startup (if no clock found) - (readme) |
dateinsp.lha |
util/boot |
595 |
3K |
1996-08-24 |
DateInspector - Alerts you when your clock is wrong - (readme) |
Decigel.lha |
1.1 |
util/boot |
1431 |
3K |
2003-03-23 |
68010+ priv. instr. use fix, VBR update - (readme) |
DeStart.lha |
1.2 |
util/boot |
702 |
8K |
1999-05-24 |
Programstart to use in WBStartup - (readme) |
detect_vampire.lha |
1.1 |
util/boot |
707 |
1K |
2021-01-16 |
Detects Vampire expansion card - (readme) |
DiskReset_10.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
616 |
4K |
1995-04-07 |
Reboots the computer when a disk is removed. - (readme) |
dksound.lha |
2.2 |
util/boot |
591 |
53K |
1996-04-13 |
V2.2 Changes Workbench Sounds each boot. - (readme) |
dksound2.lha |
2.1 |
util/boot |
586 |
52K |
1995-08-30 |
Changes Workbench Sounds at each boot - (readme) |
DMAP21.lha |
util/boot |
612 |
40K |
1994-01-29 |
Utility for a quicker Startup V2.1 - (readme) |
DMEFReq.lha |
util/boot |
581 |
8K |
1993-03-09 |
Replaces arp by asl file requester - (readme) |
DoJob10.lha |
util/boot |
638 |
4K |
1996-05-29 |
Executes script or cmd if =/! version - (readme) |
DontCloseWB.lha |
util/boot |
588 |
11K |
1995-06-20 |
Disable closing of Workbench Screen - (readme) |
DosWedge213.lha |
util/boot |
623 |
42K |
1995-03-20 |
Unix directories for AmigaDOS - (readme) |
DoubleX.lha |
util/boot |
702 |
1K |
1992-11-09 |
forces all Screens to open in AGA-Modes - (readme) |
EasyReqPatch.lha |
util/boot |
610 |
6K |
1997-01-07 |
Pointer relative system requesters - (readme) |
easyreqpatch10.lha |
util/boot |
585 |
6K |
1995-02-08 |
Makes system requesters pointer relative. Needs OS 3.x and 020+. - (readme) |
ENV2HDpatchles.lha |
util/boot |
683 |
8K |
1997-08-18 |
100% os-friendly ENV2HD - no patch! - (readme) |
envman.lha |
util/boot |
620 |
19K |
1997-09-03 |
ENV:-On-HD-Manager. Source incl. V1.4. - (readme) |
EuroHack.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
611 |
2K |
1999-01-18 |
Add Euro sign to Topaz 8 font - (readme) |
EuroHack2.lha |
2.2 |
util/boot |
1173 |
2K |
2007-08-01 |
Add euro sign to default font w/ src - (readme) |
exept49.lha |
util/boot |
751 |
11K |
1994-12-16 |
ExecPatch 4.9 - KS 37.175+ Speedup Patch - (readme) |
ezspool.lha |
util/boot |
611 |
9K |
1992-08-15 |
Disk based printer spooler. WB2.0 required. - (readme) |
Fake20.lha |
util/boot |
618 |
2K |
1994-01-03 |
HACK,changes ExecBase flag to 68020. - (readme) |
Fakeboot.lha |
util/boot |
660 |
81K |
1997-08-26 |
Boot your amiga from workbench eg emulate CD + emulate a typewriter - (readme) |
FastBlit.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
1146 |
4K |
1990-06-02 |
May speed up blitter operations by 60%. V1.0 - (readme) |
fastblt.lha |
util/boot |
723 |
4K |
1997-03-29 |
Speed up blitter-wait operations. - (readme) |
FastBootV1_0.lha |
util/boot |
1061 |
14K |
1996-03-14 |
Lets you boot your Amiga VERY fast. - (readme) |
FastExec29.lha |
util/boot |
2363 |
28K |
1997-09-08 |
Moves exec.library to fastest memory. - (readme) |
FastExec30.lha |
3.0 |
util/boot |
497 |
12K |
2023-12-23 |
Moves exec.library to fastest memory - (readme) |
FastExecSPGuide.lha |
util/boot |
1154 |
6K |
2015-11-04 |
Guía de FastExec en Español. - (readme) |
FastIPrefs4035.lha |
util/boot |
2255 |
35K |
1999-07-28 |
FastIPrefs 40.35 & FastWBPattern 40.06 - (readme) |
fastmenu_2.0.lha |
util/boot |
842 |
10K |
1993-01-27 |
Startup sequence selector - (readme) |
FastRAD11.lha |
util/boot |
1224 |
4K |
1997-08-13 |
Forces RAD: to use fast memory. - (readme) |
fbl66.lha |
util/boot |
984 |
6K |
1994-11-18 |
Speedup patch for 2.0/2.1/3.0/3.1 Amigas - (readme) |
fblit.lha |
3.79a |
util/boot |
11552 |
169K |
2006-08-25 |
Use CPU in place of the blitter - (readme) |
FBlitGuideES.lha |
3.79 |
util/boot |
1104 |
24K |
2016-02-08 |
Spanish translation of - (readme) |
FBlitGuideGR.lha |
util/boot |
635 |
26K |
2001-01-23 |
Greek translation of (v3.73) - (readme) |
FBlitGuidePL.lha |
util/boot |
788 |
25K |
2000-05-27 |
Polish translation of (v3.66) - (readme) | |
util/boot |
728 |
341K |
2015-06-26 |
ASM/Blitz sources for fblit - (readme) |
fforbid.lha |
util/boot |
706 |
1K |
1996-04-23 |
System speed hack - (readme) |
ffppatch.lha |
1.10beta |
util/boot |
853 |
7K |
1998-12-05 |
Mathffp.library FPU speedup patch 1.10b - (readme) |
FifoDev.lha |
2 |
util/boot |
702 |
35K |
1991-02-01 |
PIPE: like device, multiple readers. V2 - (readme) |
Fix68010.lha |
util/boot |
952 |
10K |
1989-08-27 |
Patch executables for m68010 use. - (readme) |
FixCLI.lha |
util/boot |
571 |
10K |
1991-01-10 |
Gives path to CLI\'s that don\'t have one - (readme) |
FixGetMsg.lha |
util/boot |
867 |
2K |
1999-01-13 |
Fix for GetMsg() when looped on 060 - (readme) |
util/boot |
760 |
1K |
1998-08-06 |
Fix for Phase5 PATCHMAC with FUSION - (readme) |
fixslinks-0.5.lha |
util/boot |
644 |
24K |
1995-08-13 |
Fixes soft link problems under V37 and up, plus ls/makelink - (readme) |
FixWB31.lha |
util/boot |
1332 |
5K |
1999-07-23 |
Restores Workbench 3.1 protection bits - (readme) |