Short:        Fortune Cookie/Random picture program
Author: (Andrew Elia)
Uploader:     odin dcs qmw ac uk (Andrew Elia)
Type:         util/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Cookie Monster V1.0

	Undoubtedly, the first question is "why do we need another one ?".
Admittedly, the honest answer is that I couldn't get the others to
compiler correctly on a Sun SPARC! The other reason is that I didn't
like programs which hardcoded their cookies into the source code very
much, so I wrote a program that would accept a text file. Basically, I
wanted a program that I could stick in a CGI script for my otherwise
dull web page. Seeing that everyone else insisted on sticking web
counters on their pages (well, I did too, actually), I thought that I'd
opt for something different -a message of the day thingy. Well,
actually, I couldn't be bothered to write a daily updating script, so it
just updates it every time the page is accessed!

	But! There's more! And as a rather crap comedian said "come 'ere".
While I was still reeling from the fact that the rather crappy GNU
compiler on the Sun managed to compile my Amiga-originated (I wouldn't
dream of developing it any other way) source code without a single
error, a friend was busy updating his web page to display a random
image. He was wrestling with a Perl script of some description, but was
getting nowhere, probably because the server was incorrectly set up to
handle Perl. It would however handle standard UNIX scripts, so after
offering my program, and creating a text file with the paths of all the
pictures, it all worked fine!

	I'll confess to not being much of a HTML guru (and those that have
actually seen my web page will testify to that), or Perl for that
matter. I haven't included any sample scripts of that nature because I
haven't dabbled in CGI on the Amiga (although if it works like an
AmigaDOS script, then I'm missing out on a great deal, because UNIX
scripts are a complete pain). If you fancy a laugh (if only at the
rather sad picture of me), my web page is at

	The most obvious application, of course is to just stick it in your

NOTE: This program is Command Line only

Andrew Elia