Short:        patch Cybercon III for WB 2.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


	The virtual-reality game Cybercon III does not work under
	KickStart 2.04, but CyberconFix patches the Cybercon III
	disk so that it will work under 2.04 (it should also still
	work under 1.3, but I haven't tested it).

	Just follow these simple steps:
	1. make a copy of your original Cybercon III disk with some disk-
	   Note:  The DiskCopy program that came with your Amiga will crash
	   at the end of the copy, because Cybercon is not a regular Amiga
	   DOS disk.  Therefore, if you can, use another disk-copier.
	2. stick the COPY of Cybercon III into DF0:.
	3. type CyberconFix at the CLI prompt.  The disk drive light will
	   go on for about a second.
	   Note:  Before you type in CyberconFix, Make sure the disk is
	   write enabled.  If it's not, CyberconFix will NOT give you an
	   error message, and the patch will NOT be applied.  But you knew
	   that :-).
	4. give your Amiga the 3 finger salute (reset), and enjoy
	   Cybercon III.

	It is possible that different revisions of Cybercon were released.
	If that is the case, CyberconFix will most likely fail :-(.

	After spending a few hours with a debugger, I found that there
	is a small bug in the keyboard reading routines.  The problem
	hadn't showed itself under 1.3, only under 2.0, because of the
	way 2.0 allocates the CIA chips.  (The CIA chips, also known as
	the 8520, are involved in reading the keyboard.)  The actual fix
	turned out to be quite simple; the argument to a branch instruction
	had to be changed.  The location of this change is at block 149,
	offset 159.  The value of $36 at this location had to be changed
	to $2C.

	If your computer blows up, or any other tragedy happens as a result
	of using CyberconFix, I will not be responsible.

	My name is Blaise Tarr, and I can be reached on the Internet until
	at least December 1992.  Here is my e-mail address:
	If you have any problems with CyberconFix, let me know.