Short:        Setchiprev Patched to avoid Enforcer Hits
Author:       ???
Uploader:     JF Fabre (fabre cert fr)
Type:         util/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This a patched setchiprev command.
I just removed an enforcer hit which was not serious
(read in 0) but is not acceptable for purists like us ;-)

I just replaced:

MOVE.L	(A5),D0
BEQ	xxx


BRA	xxx

Thanx to TFA for Asm-One and Michael Sinz for Enforcer.

For non-french users, here's the translation of the message displayed
if you type setchiprev ? :

--- cut here ---

USAGE : SetChipRev <command> [command] [<filename>]
Where <command> may be :
 O  to set the original Chip Set.
 E  to set the enhanced Chip Set.
 X  to set the AA Chip Set without Burst Mode.
 D  to set the AA Chip Set with 2x Burst Mode.
 A  to set the AA Chip Set with 4x Burst Mode.
 B  to set the best chipset available
' ' to run the GUI version.

Add F as a command to execute [<filename>]
Try DreamLands,french BBS : (33)32397923

--- cut here ---

Enjoy fully the best chipset degrader ever written!
