Short:        Automates installing new libraries. v1.0
Author: (Dan Rhodes)
Uploader:     M D Rhodes stud umist ac uk (Dan Rhodes)
Type:         util/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

How many times have you  got  a  new  utility  which  comes  with  some
libraries, but doesn't have an install script which checks whether they
are newer or older than the versions you already have?	Or even  worse,
an install script which copies them to LIBS: without checking versions!
Well don't worry!  There's now a handy tool  to  automatically  test  a
bunch of libraries, and only install newer versions.

UpdateLibs will scan a	specified  directory  for  libraries,  and  for
each one check which version it is and which version you already  have,
if any, and ask whether you want to install it or not.