Short: Searches on Aminet-CDs(not the sets!) for files! Author: (Felix Schwarz) Uploader: bs168 fim uni-erlangen de (Felix Schwarz) Type: util/misc Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Sucht auf Aminet-CDs(nicht den Sets!) nach Dateien! ANTCDF stands for AmiNeT CD Finder. You can add the indexes of the Aminet CDs within seconds and then search for files. ANTCDF produces an AmigaGuideĀ®-File that is shown via Multi- view. ANTCDF is a replacement for AminetFind&AFind and has the following improvements: - also finds older files on COMPLETE indexes! - doesn`t give out a Set`s CD, because not everyone has all sets. This can save a lot of time! - Shows a progress indicator - Has a nice, systemfriendly GUI ;-) - it is GIFTWARE!! Enough reasons to use it ? - Felix