Short: Tree - directory structure shown as a tree Author: Finn Jacobs <> Uploader: Finn Jacobs <fjacobs computerlabor math uni-kiel de> Type: util/misc Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Tree - Verzeichnis-Struktur anzeigen als Baum TITLE Tree VERSION Release alpha (first bloody release) AUTHOR Finn Jacobs <> DESCRIPTION Directory structure shown as a tree for AmigaOS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This kindly command is supposed to be placed in the C:-Directory. With this you can view your directories like the list or dir command, but it is shown as a tree. Till yet there is no sort of filenames or directorynames when viewed. Some filetypes are yet supported to be shown differently as bolded or white coloured names. I tried via escape-sequences to show in different colours but the con-window was slowed down so much that I decided to use conservative styles to show the types. Imagine you old view of e.g. list or dir command : System:>list PS 8212 ----rwed Yesterday 20:31:57 PS.doc 1991 ----rwed Yesterday 20:31:57 WBRun 1340 ----rwed Saturday 14:29:54 System:>dir PS PS.doc WBRun Now see with tree : System:>tree +-""------------+ +-PS +-PS.doc +-WBRun SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS AmigaOS release 1. MC68000 processor recommended, but if you have PowerPC try it :) AVAILABILITY Aminet, for example: WWW: --n/a-- (still working :) PRICE Free. This is absolute for free, you can contact me via email if you are interested in the c-sourcecode. I will send you the actuell version via email+attachment (lha-attachment). DISTRIBUTABILITY Copyright ©1997 Finn Jacobs Freely distributable in unmodified form. Contact the email-address given above for further information.